Penelope fell silent as Crow said he wasn't going to leave her and that he had meant what he said before. The words didn't bring much comfort. Part of her was actually hoping that he would agree to keep out of the rest of the mission since she wasn't sure how well she'd be able to handle working alongside him again. Not to mention Gavin having to work with him. She snuck a glance at the male knight besides her, who was still tense with rage. Looking back to Crow as he finally revealed where Jaxon was located, the knight couldn't help but feel a small bit of relief and hope. Everything wasn't repaired simply because he had given her the information she was looking for but it did restore a small hint of trust in him. Perhaps he was still on her side after all. "Why should we even believe you're telling the truth? What makes this any different than the other false leads you've given us?" Gavin growled, quickly shooting down the small bit of hope that had bloomed in her. Before, she would have dismissed Gavin's words but after seeing where that had gotten them and having so little trust in Crow at the moment, she listened to him a bit more. "There's a possibility that it is another false lead, but I don't think we can afford the time to debate it." Penelope responded to Gavin after a small pause of thinking over the situation. "You got lucky that I happened to get there before the first assassin tried to kill you. There's no telling how long that luck will be able to last you if he's intent on having you killed. Plus I heard them mention something about another raid... if that happens, we'll never be able to recover in time to properly defend ourselves against Younis. It's the best chance we've got to end this mess before it ends this war." Gavin studied her for a moment, clearly wanting to protest. However, he seemed to struggle to come up with a proper argument against the points she made and finally gave a small sigh of defeat. "I suppose you're right.. I just hope this doesn't form into some type of trap for us." he growled as he casted Crow an accusing look. Penelope frowned a little at his words but said nothing about them as she turned her attention back over to Crow. "The numbers are... concerning but I'll figure out a way to deal with it." she responded with a shrug, her mind already beginning to think of ways to handle this new situation. The knight hesitated as another concern came to mind. "Do the other thieves know you're working for him? Are they working for him too?"