[center][i]Interacting with:[/i] Tera Valenci[sub][@Whoami][/sub][/center][hr]Sarah was following the princess’ carriage as part of the hunter retinue. In her own mind, it felt foolish to just march into Castle Bloodrose. The coven might be inactive for years now but that didn’t mean there weren’t any more witches abound. When the caravan stopped she put away her flask and spurred her horse to go towards the front. She hoped something exciting was happening. Instead of that, she saw the horrific aftermath of a raid. The village was razed. People were dead in the street or hung upside down to drain the blood. From the carriage, she heard a call for Father Wyn. The priest that had accompanied them. [b]“They’re not actually heading for the church, are they?”[/b] Sarah asked one guard. Who just nodded. [b]“Idiots.”[/b] Sarah muttered to herself as she dismounted from her horse. After barking a few orders to secure the place and make sure every corpse was burned she then proceeded towards the graveyard with her blade drawn. The commoners’ graves were untouched yet the family crypts were forced open. With a torch in hand she walked in. The stones that were supposed to seal away the deceased had been crushed by something. Several bones were taken. When she was sure nothing in the crypt would attack her she put her blade away. [b]“Bloody necromancers.”[/b] Sarah muttered to herself as she took a quick gulp of her flask. After a bit more investigating she came out of the crypt again. Right in time to hear the commotion near the church. Someone, no something, was still in the church. Sarah spared no time. She dropped her torch and rushed towards the princess, her guards, and Father Wyn. She stayed behind her grace with her hand on her blade. Ready to jump and strike. Her eyes were like a cat’s. Focused on the human-like silhouette within the church. [b]“You should return to your carriage, your grace. This is no place for a princess.”[/b] She whispered at Tera’s.