[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/signature-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190120/b458a81531631a6916fa9413063c5f80.png[/img][/url][/center][right][sub]Interacting with: [Achronum] [Trainerblue192][/sub][/right] Aaron watched Salem with something like morbid curiosity as he spoke. Good Lord, it was like watching a trainwreck. He had no idea how to feel, caught between bristling at Salem’s patronizing insult and gaping at his further contempt for the nobles present. Not a single polite term of address for any of them, and he was so bold as to make some vague demand of Lady Sinnenodel? Aaron couldn’t tell what had come over the mage, but as the silence stretched when he finished, his gut only twisted; Aaron had a pretty good idea of what was coming, but he feared that Salem was none the wiser. Sure enough, the danger Aaron had felt building as they’d discussed came to a head when Lady Sinnenodel’s representative spoke next, ridding herself of her blindfold. Aaron regretted looking as soon as he saw what was underneath; a wave of nausea hit him at the sight of the poor girl’s eyes, and he had to look away, taking a slow breath to soothe his stomach. He had no idea what could have caused such disfigurement, nor did he want to find out; he felt cold, face going a little pale as his former fears came back full-force, and for a moment all he could think about was whether or not he’d suffer the same fate. Thankfully - or perhaps not, it was getting hard to tell - he was occupied with new concerns when conversation picked up again, Salem being so bold (or was it stupid?) as to stand his ground, claiming that Lady Sinnenodel’s mages had invaded his mind. Given the warning Varis had given him on the way over, Aaron wouldn’t have been surprised if Salem’s accusations were true, but he was no less appalled by the fact that the man actually dared to [i]make[/i] them. Aaron’s anxiety only mounted as the pseudo-interrogation continued; for lack of a ring to spin, he resorted to the next best thing, hands coming up to straighten his collar and tighten his tie. But when he reached his neck, he had to stop himself, only gently touching the pendant at his throat and making a concerted effort not to put anything out of place. It wouldn’t do to alter the outfit Varis had so pointedly arranged for him, even though the disarray only stressed him further. He had no phone screen to clean, couldn’t smooth down his hair, and he couldn’t tug on his ear either, afraid that he’d dislodge the golden cuff. He took a breath, trying to loosen the tightness in his chest as he lowered his hands to his lap, but it did little to calm him. With no other option he reached into his pocket under the table, taking out his ring and turning it in his fingers, though he didn’t dare to put it on. His heart jumped into his throat when the Queen’s pace quickened; Aaron didn’t hear that tempo from her often, but it was [i]never[/i] good. He was well aware that Salem deserved every word and more, but the poor boy was only digging himself deeper and deeper and Aaron couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Clearly he was in over his head, apparently not fully understanding the weight of his actions. Aaron had been hoping he would come to his senses before things came to this, but apparently they weren’t so lucky. Varis’ mention of the Red Hand, however, pulled Aaron out of his head for a moment. He was less concerned with the Count passing off Salem’s claims as their doing - Aaron had his doubts, but he couldn’t be certain either way - than he was with the idea that one of their members had managed to infiltrate the Academy. As a noble’s mage, no less. Needless to say, the thought of a member of a major rebel faction infiltrating what Aaron thought was one of the most secure locations in the world was [i]more[/i] than disconcerting. And if there was even a sliver of a chance that Salem [i]had[/i] been affected by them, then he could completely understand the nobles’ urgency. When Salem’s fate was decided, Aaron’s heart went out to the mage, catching his eye and his look of utter defeat. Realistically, he had gotten off easy, but Aaron could empathize nonetheless. He had no idea about Salem’s relationship with his family, but if it was anything like his own, then cutting off contact must have been devastating. Aaron simply nodded respectfully regarding his assignment, opting finally to eat if for no other reason than to have something to do with his hands. If he was to be Salem’s escort during their breaks, he would readily oblige. Hopefully nothing would come of this investigation.