Mave felt a surge of relief to at last have some notion of where she was. She hadn't heard of Tarren's Ferry but Whitebridge was familiar to her. Supposedly there was a great bridge of heartstone there which had been erected in the Age of Legends. The city of Baerlon was west of Whitebridge from which a road ran south into what had once been Manetheren though there were no major cities in the area now. Mave wasn't sure how best to procced from her but at least she had a point to start from. "No, I'm not travelling with anyone," she said shaking her head. Even at this early stage there were folk travelling. She wondered what Ali would say if she mentioned that she set out from Caemlyn yesterday afternoon and had traveled a thousand miles in a few hour. The thought made her supress a giggle that was part amusement part hysteria. "There will be peddlers you say?" she asked, her mind turning back to the task ahead of her. She didn't want to wait a few days but she needed to equip herself for the journey. "I need to buy some new clothes and.." she paused as a thought struck her. "Do you need money for the food? I have some coin.." she went on uncertainly.