[s]Man, I low key almost cried writing that post TuT[/s] Also, I see this playing out that Crow tries to stay away from Penelope, but ends up going to Jaxon's camp on his own (same time the knights would go) because he's worried about her Yep, haha. I needed it cx -- EDIT: Hey so I just got out of the shower and I had a really cool idea for the final battle when the knights attack the thieves' camp! I don't normally like to get super detailed in planning like this, but it's so good. I really want to share it xD Basically, my idea is that the knights would send a bunch of their members to take out the thieves, but during the battle, Jaxon is nowhere to be found. While they're all fighting, he eventually appears to ambush Penelope from behind while she's locked in combat with another enemy, but before he kills her, Crow (he would have just gotten to the scene after running from his camp) jumps in front of his sword to save her. He ends up near fatally wounded, which just leaves Penelope to face off against Jaxon by herself in the final boss battle cx I think it's a super epic way to conclude this part of the story, but what are your thoughts? If you've got any other ideas, I'm down to hear them!