[i]Interactions with [@Bright_Ops] and [@hotsyrup], and mentions of [@Kitty] and [@ghastlyInc][/i] [hr] Sheffield became more painfully aware of how he looked at the moment. He can understand how skeptical they felt when they saw a young Hunter, all youthful and hurried. They probably thought he was just another novice getting unlucky from inexperience. And frying pans? They were cooking tools. And Sheffield’s other weapons and tools were hidden in his satchel, with a rifle tied up and covered in cloth. It also didn’t help that the wolf Sheffield saw was not far from where he was. He kept on staying aware it wasn’t normal at least. Maybe the serving girl had something to do with it, but for now he had to put them out of his mind. The giant of a man had looked away not even a minute after. He had been distracted by the sniffing person too. Sheffield let out a sound of protest, but it was drowned out by other patrons making their own notes and arguments. A woman had edged into the earlier conversation though. [quote=@hotsyrup] [center] [i]“I don’t think chimeras have anything to do with the attack on Goldencrest. --If that’s what you are talking about.-- But, it was too... Intelligent. The attack. Everything burned and with the priest hung up like.. How.. he was. It seems whoever did this is more mocking than anything else. Demons, maybe. Like how --” She blinked for a moment before gesturing to Bartolomeo. “-- he mentioned. Witches maybe? But, a part of me even thinks it might be people. Just regular ones with some kind of vengeance up their sleeves. Though that thought makes me sick to my stomach.” While she babbled slightly, Lyra tried to keep her words concise. [/i][/center] [/quote] Sheffield blinked. The Hunter with the tear-stained makeup was sad alright. [color=red]”Did you lose someone during this attack?”[/color] he asked with care. [color=red]”Sorry if it’s personal but I don’t know anything about what happened here. Could you explain? Make it short if you want.”[/color]