[center] [h1]Vali Melethainiel[/h1] [img]https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7864/32590488148_2d9fcf7934.jpg[/img] [/center] [list] [*]Race: Human female, homonculus, immortal-type [*]Age: 17 [*]Powers & Abilities: [list] [*]Telekinesis: As the fundamental building block of nearly all magic-casting, telekinesis is the one tool in her arsenal that she is comfortable with. She wields it like just another part of her body, using it for everything from threading a needle to lifting crates. [*]Luminosity: When she disposed of her original body and donned a new one, she acquired magical hair. Yes, you read that right - magic hair. Cliche, I know. So does she. It is laced with arcane silver, granting her the power to channel potent light-magic. To date, however, she hasn't the faintest idea how to wield it. She attends this school for a reason, after all. [*]Mana Vision: Thanks to her new body, she can perceive spiritual and magical activity through her eyes. Together with telekinesis and light-magic, it gives her the potential to learn powerful healing, curses, and even resurrection. [/list] [*]Peronality & Bio: Her earliest memories are of starvation in the streets of Neo Roma. Whether her parents abandoned her, got killed, or something else, they were no longer there for her. Together with six other street urchins, she scraped together a living through theft, deception, and scavenging garbage. One day, a certain elderly alchemist took pity on them. He offered them the deal of a lifetime: Test his Elixir of Immortality, and in return, stay with him as his children until the day he died. The seven children agreed. When they drank the strange red fluid, all their injuries, all their pain, all their sorrows melted away, and their spirits felt more free than they'd ever felt before. New powers awakened within them, godlike abilities just waiting to be tapped. True to his promise, the old alchemist took care of them, becoming the doting father they'd never had in their youth. When he died 15 years later, the children wept bitterly at his passing. Since the alchemist focused mainly on their moral and practical education, the children had precious little in the way of magical training. As up-and-coming demigods, they would need only the best education to hone their skills. Vali selected the Magic School, renowned for its prestigous educators and talented graduates. Vali is a breathtakingly beautiful young woman, and she is well-aware of it. With her immense magical potential and newfound immortality, she has become proud and aloof, which conflicts with her desire help other people. She wants to be seen as a caring person, but more often than not, her meddling and complicated schemes do more harm than good. Worse, her competitive spirit sometimes outpaces her moral compass and scholastic inclinations, drawing out the worst in her. If the alchemist hadn't struggled to reign that in, she might have become a true villain like the other six children. At her core, though, remains the scared 7-year-old struggling to keep her friends alive. She knows and understands the plights of mortals, and she dreams of someday creating a world where no one will suffer again... ...a world where the seven immortal children can finally live in peace. [/list] EDIT: Added powers and abilities.