[hider=STEAMPUNK GIRL] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/smifZMS.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190128/d10710e2afbf37dd9c5b32773b7d177b.png[/img] [b]Name[/b] Asha “Ash” Victoria Apparatus [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Country of Origin[/b] Vale [b]Physique[/b] Ash’s physical appearance is nothing she would consider boasting about, and has consistently complained about her stature. Standing at a tiny 5’1” and weighing a light 109 pounds, Ash is svelte and small, a rather short young lady that lacks in the “size” department. Ash has pale skin that makes her look like some kind of vampire that’s never seen sunlight before, and boasts short silver-gray hair and chocolate eyes. Ash’s unremarkably short stature and lack of feminine shape are apparent at first glance, and a source of great agitation from the young lady. Ash is rather well-built, as most prospective Beacon students happen to be, with her short body being astonishingly stocky for a rather petite young girl. [b]Race[/b] Human [b]Team[/b] - [b]Personality[/b] A quirky girl with an undying drive for knowledge and endless amounts of curiosity, Ash is an inquisitive girl that always looks for satisfying answers for her curiosity. Spunky and outgoing, Ash enjoys mingling with other people, finding comfort in friendship, and is much more a team player than a lone wolf. Ash loves a good conversation topic. Ash is a girl that could easily be described as brilliant, a tech genius that, once exposed to a piece of machinery, will stop at nothing to learn everything about it. Spending much of her free time fixing, tinkering, repairing, and improving, Ash is an empiricist and a creative soul, using trial and error to improve machinery to its finest. Ash tends to never be bored- when she’s not fiddling with machines, she’s training, or having a chat, or playing cards, or doing something, anything that isn’t nothing. Ash is surprisingly impatient for a tinkerer, and can get rather angry with things don’t align with her expectations. As such, she lacks the ability to efficiently wait out enemies, preferring to deal with any problem the way she deals with machines- trying everything until something works. For somebody that seems to have spent all their life in a workshop, Ash is a surprisingly avid and effective combatant, using savage tactics and even playing plain dirty to get above her opponents. Naturally competitive and not above being cutthroat, Ash specializes in utilizing brutal all-out attacks to overwhelm her opponents. Ash is quite a sore loser, and tends to hold arbitrary grudges, though she always uses her losses to work on improving her craft. More than anything else, though, Ash is a compassionate person, as many Huntsmen and Huntresses tend to be. Ash tends to form deep bonds with those she’s grown to meet, and her concern for her companions always outweighs her competitiveness and impatience. [/center] [b]Likes[/b] [list] [*]Anything machine. [*]Coffee/Tea/Stimulants [*]Beating Grimm up [*]Beating other Huntsmen up [*]Welding [*]Conversation [*]Cheesy love stories [*]Burning the midnight oil [/list] [b]Dislikes[/b] [list] [*]Losing [*]Failure [*]Waiting [*]Extended periods of solitude [*]Drowsiness [*]Boredom [/list] [b]Fears[/b] [list] [*]Snakes [*]The epic failure that leads to her demise [*]Her demise [/list] [b]Motivation[/b] Hunting appeals to Ash for three distinct reasons- firstly, it gives her an opportunity to protect the unprotected, to aid the helpless, to fight what others fear. Secondly, it allows her to enjoy constant combat. And lastly, it provides an excellent place to both build tools for and actually test them in the field. Half the fun of tinkering, after all, is actually using what you made. [center] [b]Brief Bio[/b] W.I.P. [b]Semblance[/b] Ash’s semblance is a unique one titled [i]Override.[/i] Discovered after a machine in her parent’s basement went off and practically crushed the young child, [i]Override[/i] allows Ash to imbue her aura into anything mechanical, allowing her to manipulate it flawlessly. Ash can use this on any machine within a 10-meter range. [i]Override’s[/i] main use is with weapons- Ash can use [i]Override[/i] to, well, override other people’s weapons, allowing Ash to lock them into one form, jam them, and crush the Dust crystals inside. [i]Override[/i] is also used to maintain Ash’s own weapon and can be used on other machines, able to rapidly gain an understanding of any device and manipulate it. Ash has also combined her semblance with Lightning and Fire dust to power up golems and manipulate them with her own Semblance, though this ability comes with the danger of an explosion due to an overload of Dust along with a great physical and mental toll. [i]Override’s[/i] main weakness is the fact that it is used in conjunction with Aura- as such, Aura can be used to overpower Override’s effects. Continued resistance with Aura will eventually drain Ash’s Aura reserves and leave her nigh helpless against any danger she might face. [b]Weaponry[/b] Ash uses a steampunk-themed weapon titled [i]Clockwork.[/i] Clockwork is, as Ash would put it, a "miracle of modern weaponry," a four-form weapon with surprisingly smooth transitions thanks to Ash's semblance and mechanical wit. [hider=Form 1] [img]https://assets.catawiki.nl/assets/2017/6/28/c/d/c/cdc66496-7e40-4454-992f-966dac78d552.jpg[/img] [/hider] Clockwork's Form 1 takes the shape of a standard briefcase and is Clockwork's resting form. The compacted size makes this form of Clockwork ideal for traveling, but the condensed machinery also allows it to function as a neat shield or projectile if needed. [hider=Form 2- Farshot (LARGE)] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/003/630/128/large/anton-vasylenko-screenshot002-2.jpg?1475785209[/img] [/hider] Clockwork's 2nd form takes the form of a hunting rifle equipped with a scope. It fires bullets with piercing capabilities and its range makes it Ash's go-to when engaging from a distance. [hider=Form 3- Swiftshot] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c9/cf/4b/c9cf4b8bfaa4041f441d5776336a8454--steampunk-halloween-steampunk-diy.jpg[/img] [/hider] Clockwork's 3rd form is a minigun with rapid-firing capabilities. Clockwork does a large amount of work in the close to mid range, making it Ash's favorite for destroying Grimm. [hider=Form 4 - Scattershot (LARGE)] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/013/086/271/large/sander-nykjaer-rifle1.jpg?1537983129[/img] [/hider] Clockwork's 4th form is that of a shotgun, that fires a scattering burst of dust that deals large amounts of knockback and close-range pulverization. Other (Anything that didn't fit anywhere else. Delete if unneeded) [/center] [/hider]