[hider= Christopher Daniels] [center][color=0054a6][h1][b][u]Christopher Daniels[/u][/b][/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]https://www.soulrevolver.com/sitecontent/images/vm_product/smuggler_black_leather_jacket_showcase.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=0054a6][i]Don't touch the hat[/i][/color][/center] Nickname: Title or Hero/Villain/Code name: Species: Xandarian Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Age: 29 Birthday: May 7 [color=0054a6]Personality:[/color] Christopher Daniels is a sly intelligent man who always finds a way to change a situation to fit his needs and goals. He has been known to double cross someone if the opportunity presents itself and its profitable for him to do it. Chris has a dark view of the world and his humor and way of speaking shows that. He likes to joke even when in the face of certain death which can get on most people's nerves but it has never seemed to bother him much. Regardless of his seemingly careless nature Chris should never be underestimated less someone wants to be on the receiving end of one of Christopher's plans. Appearance: [img]https://landofodd.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/smuggler_prog_01.jpg[/img] [color=0054a6]Affiliation:[/color] NA [color=0054a6]Powers:[/color] NA [color=0072bc]Weapon(s): [/color] Blaster pistols Grenades Knife [color=0054a6]Weaknesses: [/color] Just a normal man Beautiful women [color=0054a6]Likes (optional):[/color] Flirting [u][b]MAKING MONEY[/b][/u] [color=0054a6]Dislikes:[/color] Kree [color=0054a6]Current Residence: [/color] On his ship [color=0054a6]Backstory:[/color] Will be revealed in the RP [color=0054a6]Special Skills: [/color] Can talk his way an out of most situations Piolet Mechanic [color=0054a6]Other:[/color] Boosters attached to his boots that allow for controlled flight A face mask that covers face when activated (think star lord) [/hider]