Just thought I'd add my thoughts as someone with less knowledge of Star Wars: The only real problem I see with using a "lightsaber spork" in the first place is: why? Why does it even really need to exist? Now, I'm not at all knowledgeable about the Old Republic, since my main exposure to the series is through the movies, but I'm pretty sure the reason it likely wasn't conceived was because there wasn't a point. I mean really, I'm pretty sure there are already stun weapons in Star Wars, right? ESPECIALLY in this time period where just about anything seems possible. The point is, if you have a wide variety of options for pre-existing weapons that are already far better than the spork, why go out of your way to make it? I'm not familiar with this "Ezra's" story, but doing a little googling reveals he is just the right person in the right place at the right time. He's a non-traditional Jedi and Rebel whose sole purpose for making the blade being he was terrible at deflecting blaster fire. In other words, rather than deflect the bolts he'd rather take cover and shoot back. Having a lightsaber on you also drew a lot of attention, so it made sense to keep it both on your person and disguised simultaneously. It was also made out of spare pieces, because weapons that weren't owned by the Empire were harder to come by. There's no way in hell a blaster will be of any significant help against an adversary of equal skill, that much is just common knowledge. Yes, there are exceptions, but for the most part blasters are pretty shite compared to lightsabers. So why not just be a Jedi/Sith who carries blasters, stun or no, as well as a lightsaber or two? In a universe with more accessibility and acceptance for these kinds of things, I feel like it doesn't make sense to have it exist anyway. The only exception I can see this in is a behind-enemy-lines type of guy/gal, but even then you're not surprising anyone unless you show your blade's colour. Again, any decently skilled Jedi or Sith can easily redirect blaster fire, so using them against such a foe is pretty much useless. And against lesser foes, a standard lightsaber or decent blasters would do the job just fine. I got nothing against it if someone can think up a good reason for it existing. But from my understanding, there's no niche for it to fill, so justifying it IC is pretty hard, especially in the hands of a skilled combatant.