[h3]Ardur, Asura, Danny, Mother Slime[/h3] Asura's leap at the Source Crystal caused one of the Lizard's spit to miss him, but the second one still managed to splat against his side. Again he felt the burn, and a slight sense of nasuea...but once again the poison affect failed to trigger, and from Full HP he wouldn't take enough damage from it to worry about...just yet. The red slime's mass, though much more liquid in nature after his evolution, still weighed around 50 pounds. Danny's Lesser Force, even at the second Rank, couldn't lift that much--but the weight wasn't all on him. Asura's Slime Whip wrapped around the Source Crystal, and a tug-of-war battle ensued. To try and get the Slime off, Danny imitated one of Jason's chants and used his Aqua Sphere spell. The watery orb took shape in front of him like condensing droplets on a car's windshield, but it glowed a brighter blue than usual and grew larger than it had during his practice. When it hit Asura, the Slime felt a powerful pressure almost like getting hit with blunt objects before he had gained a resistance to that. Yet something about this was different, and the blast pushed Asura to the point that his Slime Whip couldn't hold on to the Crystal anymore... Yet with this much weight on it from both directions, the green mineral couldn't hold up. With a loud crack it broke into two shards, one held by Danny as he rocked back from the recoil, the other enveloped by Asura as he hit the ground. For a few moments he couldn't seem to muster the strength to pull his body back to a central form--that magic spell had [i]hurt[/i], too. Meanwhile, Ardur had divekicked a Lizard right on top of its spine. With his stat increase from Physical Conditioning and Stronger, and the greater speed his Lesser Flight allowed him to combine with the momentum of gravity, it was a truly crushing blow no normal Pixie could have produced. The Fanged Lizard's backbone gave way with a terrible crunch, leaving the creature to thrash momentarily in agony with loud hisses. It tried to turn and snap at the pixie, but this only aggravated its condition and it rolled itself over limply. Its back legs and tail hadn't moved at all, and its forearms only twitched uselessly as its mouth opened and closed. Ardur's strike had not only rendered it quadropelegic, but it seemed he had also caused respiratory paralysis--the creature died slowly, trying to gasp for breath, and in its last moments the purple glow faded from its eyes to leave behind wide, terrified, confused expressions. Then it went still. The remaining Fanged Lizard, now free of Jason's previous orders, turned to engage this next threat--only to be blindsided by a rolling Momma Slime. It stuck to her gelatinous form for several rotations, crunching meatily each time, before she stopped and gave a springy lunge. The Lizard was thrown violently against a wall of the cave, and its mangled corpse slumped to the ground. She then began to enjoy her meal. "Ahsoowa! Eet hurr!" she called, seeing that the red slime seemed to be done with the floaty light creature. [quote=System:Ardur] LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 5! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please! [color=red]Unspent[/color] [color=green]Skill[/color] [color=red]Points:[/color] [color=green]9[/color] Current Skills: Shield II (2.175) Lesser Flight III (2.24) Minor Heal III (3.6) Physical Conditioning I (1.0) Fire Resistance I (1.3) Taming I (1.3) Fireball I (1.5) Stronger I (1.1) Crafting I (1.0) Muffle I (1.1) Keen Sight (0.6) Keen Ear (0.2) Alchemy (0.5) Faster (0.5) Magic Analysis (0.55) Mana Orb (0.15) Focus (0.6) Throw Voice (0.1) Mana Strike (0.7) Point Strike (0.7) Charisma (0.2) Soothe Song (0.6) Harder (0.1) Alert (0.4) Reinforce (0.2) Throw Item (0.5) Meditate (0.1) Stone Shot (0.5) Inspire (0.6) Guidance (0.8) Iron Gullet (0.2) Soil Manipulation (0.2) Material Analysis (0.2) Spell Chant (0.9) Rabid Fit (0.5) Lesser Cleanse (0.3) Fire Fist (0.2) Magic Resistance (0.2) Minor Regeneration (0.1) Flame Aura (0.1) Warcry (0.1) Immolation (0.05) YOUR BODY IS BEGINNING TO CHANGE! You are undergoing Transformation! Based on your life experiences, your ability to survive, and the strength of your will, new paths have appeared! Choose carefully--there is no going back! [color=red]WARNING. THIS PROCESS WILL LEAVE YOU TEMPORARILY VULNERABLE.[/color] OPTIONS (* Indicates Suitability): **(Adult) Pixie (Low Variant Chance/Low Variant Chance/Very Low Variant Chance) - A tiny humanoid Fey-type Monster. While somewhat intelligent, they lack empathy towards one another even compared to beasts like Goblins. Capable of flight and healing magic, but not physically strong or skilled enough to fight or use weapons well.[list] [*]Slightly increase all base stats [*]Increase HP [*]Increase Potential[/list] (Immature) Imp (Variant Chance/Low Variant Chance) - The smallest and most pitiful of Demon-type monsters. Though relatively strong for their size, they are still mostly specialized in magic. However they lack the finesse and technique of other Demons, using plain and often brute-force style spells. Their cunning and absolute refusal to ever admit that they are lesser to any other being, however, can make them dastardly plotters.[list] [*]Increase base power-stats [*]Increase Rank: Mana Orb [*]Increase Lesser Force (reduced) [*]Increase Demon Affinity (reduced)[/list] (Immature) Sprite (Low Variant Chance/Very Low Variant Chance) - A highly territorial, but otherwise relatively friendly type of creature. Quite similar to Pixies at first glance, they are much more empathetic and even altruistic than other types of Fey. Unless an enemy presents a threat to their homes and families, they often prefer to flee rather than fight, but if something enters their nesting area they are known to swarm much like wasps.[list] [*]Increase Max MP [*]Increase Rank: Minor Heal [*]Increase Minor Heal All (reduced) [*]Increase Light Affinity (reduced)[/list] **(Immature) Hipixie (Low Variant Chance/Low Variant Chance/Very Low Variant Chance) - A larger, stronger, and more sophisticated variety of Pixie, very similar to the commonly known relationship between a Goblin and a Hobgoblin. Growing almost as large as a goblin themselves, their ability to fly becomes more difficult to use but their size now allows them to use many forms of lightweight tools and weapons. Considered to be some of the first True Fey, species of Fey-type monsters capable of forming societies and cultures rather than simply flitting about on any whim or reacting to any emotion that comes into their tiny heads.[list] [*]Increase all base stats [*]Increase Use Light Equipment (reduced) [*]Slightly increase HP[/list] *(Immature) Bauchan (Low Variant Chance/Low Variant Chance) - An odd little fairy said to make a decent neighbor. Though often belligerent and argumentive seemingly just for the sake of it, Bauchans are more intelligent and sociable than pixies but not quite as civilized as Hipixies. They have lost their wings, but gained sturdier bodies, and are hard workers. Some childrens' tales present a Bauchan as a metaphor for learning to get along in one's community, and say that although they sometimes bring mischief, in times of need they are very helpful.[list] [*]Increase base defensive stats (reduced) [*]Increase HP [*]Increase Use Light Equipment (heavily reduced) [*][color=red]Lose Wings[/color][/list] **(Immature) Brownie (Low Variant Chance) - A Fey that has no wings, but is roughly the size of a goblin and much stronger than a pixie. Its magical powers do not increase as fast as those of other fairy monsters, but its greater size and strength enable it to fight much better physically. Its emotional maturity could be said to be more "down to earth" than that of Pixies, but it may simply be more neutral - Pixies lack empathy, so what they see as "fun" may be cruel to other creatures. Brownies, however, don't seem to go out of their way to harm or help much at all. One might call them stoic or calm, perhaps even laid back, but they are also easily offended and hold long grudges.[list] [*]Increase base strength stats [*]Increase Use Light Equipment (reduced) [*]Increase Night Vision (reduced) [*][color=red]Lose Wings[/color][/list] ***(Immature) Lampad - A fairy associated with the element of fire. Their hair, which only grows from the crown of their heads, seems to spontaneously combust for some reason, hence their nickname of "livin' torch" among country folk. Their skin ranges from coal black to ash gray and various hues of red and orange. Their wings produce a type of powder that causes a "burning" sensation, although this is just itching somewhat like various plant allergens. They are incredibly dangerous, as like pixies they lack any concept of responsibility and find fire to be pretty to look at. Luckily they often stick to caves or other shelters, because strong winds and rains can douse the flames on their heads. This seems to make them extremely lethargic much like a cold-blooded animal in winter, until they can re-ignite themselves.[list] [*]Increase Fireball (reduced) [*]Increase Fire Affinity (reduced) [*]Slight increase to speed stats[/list] [/quote] [quote=System:Asura] Obtained Item: Source Crystal Shard x1 LEVEL UP! Your combined experiences have culminated in new power! You are now Level 6! You gain Skill Points to distribute as you please! Your Max HP has increased! Your Max Stamina has increased! (Your HP and Stamina are not recovered from their current levels) [color=green]Unspent[/color] [color=red]Skill[/color] [color=green]Points:[/color] [color=red]9[/color] Current Skills: Physical Damage Resistance I (1.86) Overwork I (1.6) Blunt Resistance I (1.6) Limited Shapeshift III (3.7) Smash II (2.025) Pierce Resistance I (1.25) Faster I (1.5) Magic Resistance I (1.1) Harder I (1.05) Counter I (1.2) Cling I (1.0) Slime Whip I (1.25) Throw Item I (1.0) Rabid Fit I (1.0) Earth Resist (0.7) Mental Resistance (0.8) Monster Analysis (0.7) Slime Shell (0.5) Charisma (0.5) Dextrous (0.2) Soil Manipulation (0.3) Stone Shot (0.5) Slime Coil (0.2) Iron Gullet (0.8) Magic Analysis (0.3) Bounce (0.5) Muffle (0.1) Poison Resistance (0.2) Dash Attack (0.4) Spiritual Awareness (0.2) Intimidate (0.3) Stronger (0.8) Blood Drain (0.3) First Aid (0.1) Acid Spit (0.2) Skewer (0.4) Slash (0.1) Fire Resistance (0.2) Water Resistance (0.0125) [/quote] [quote=System:Danny] Obtained Item: Source Crystal Shard x1 [/quote] [hr] [h3]Jason[/h3] As Jason rose from his body, his form now composed of mist, he felt no fear. Or did he? He was no stranger to screams of agony, in fact, this strange, supernatural, plane quite nearly resembled the nightmares he once had as a child. In other words; something he had conquered long ago. Or at least, he had managed to convince himself of that. The Core shone like a beacon. Surely that would be the place the most Mana would gather. Surely that was his way out. He needed to reconnect with it and master this place once more. Despite this "Bonie's" mocking laughter, the mists of death that made Jason's otherworldly form began to twist and warp as he concentrated. Slowly, a dark, humanoid figure took shape; towering over the weathered goblin, however, it's size was it's only notable feature, as it was naught but a shadow; a mere echo, of the man that once was. Right, he [i]was[/i] a man. Now he was a Slime Mage. He was dead. No, he was alive--he had been reborn, right? But he had died again. Pausing for a moment, Jason scanned the area before responding to Bonie, using [Magic Analysis I] on the crone. [quote=System:Jason] The Skill [Magic Analysis] is currently Disabled. [/quote] "I see a colorless world-" Jason responded coldly as he placed a misty hand on Asteria, about to send a message through [Telepathy I], when a thought struck him, causing him to decide against sending the message. "The only colors here, is the green from you, and the red glow of the core; the very thing that may be my salvation- or demise." With a deep breath, and heavy exhale, Jason slowly approached the red glow, concentrating on the mana in the air around him; trying to draw it in as he trudged forth. Even in death, Jason's will was resolute. Unlike the wailing specters that littered the mist, lost in the darkness, Jason KNEW who he was. He REFUSED to lose himself to this damnable realm, and he WOULD return to the world of the living. "If ya know who ya be," Bonie called out after him, "then tell Bonie ya name. Ya history!" The wailing voices from the darkness grew louder. The shapes in the mist were coming closer from every direction except that of the core. Some of them were starting to look...familiar. Especially one that seemed larger and angrier and...hairier, than the others. [hr] [h3]Asteria, Ed, Mother Rat[/h3] As Asteria gathered materials from the Core Cave and ran by the pool, she was in too much of a hurry to really focus on the environment. Her enhanced senses still helped her pick up some changes going on, but she didn't see Undine at the moment and it was still unclear just what the sword might be trying to accomplish. Plus, she had more pressing concerns at the moment. Nonetheless, that creek had widened again, to the point that the pool's water level had slightly lowered another scant partial inch. Asteria's bigger body could have waded in it up to her chest almost all the way to the Dungeon Core. That dam she had built was still blocking it, for now... Asteria reunited with Ed and Mother Rat just inside of the cave from the entrance, near several rocks that blocked a direct line of sight from them to the Goblins now that the duel was over. Ed had managed to sneak by unseen despite his blue color and larger body, and of course it wasn't very hard for Mother Rat to do the same compared to him. She squeaked happily when Asteria re-appeared, and began circling and sniffing her offspring to see what had happened in her absence. Something in Asteria's scent made her fur bristle, but it was unclear what it was and moments later the elder rat seemed fine. As they conversed, however, it seemed whatever was happening with Crispy must have ended--they could soon hear two Goblins approaching! It was a male and a female, and they looked a little older than most of the others. Around the same age as Crispy, perhaps, or just a little younger. They were both carrying wooden clubs, and one of them had a keen looking stone knife while the other had a torch, though it was currently unlit. "Needs to find dose herbs or else Crispy prolly gonna die. Broked bones like dat don't heal right." the female was saying. "Ya sure da Boss gonna like dat?" "Don't matter. I dun care if she Boss, cause she smart and strong. But if I gots to I'll run wif Crispy, cause he can make new tribe. Da Boss can't do dat yet, and if she do she be weak da whole time til she done." They were getting closer to the entrance...they might soon see the three rats, regardless of the cover from the rocks... [hr] [h3]Ash, Digbie, Mourningstar, Oberon, Reoth, Torrent[/h3] Digbie decided to allocate 2 points and get Earth Wall as a skill, and to spend his last three points on Crafting. “4 points into Keen Sight. 5 points into Minor Heal All. And 6 points into Spiritual Awareness." Oberon determined. "Nine points into Rabid Fit...and three points into Meditate." murmured Ash as she pondered her experiments. "9 points into Spell Cancel," Torrent muttered. And as Mourningstar finished swallowing another gulp of water, she opened up her Skill List and let loose a sigh of contentment. "Nine points to Demon King. Sacrifice, offering, whatever you want to call it." [quote=System:Ash] Skill Gain: Rabid Fit I! Fly into a mindless rage, and destroy the enemy! A sudden burst of fury grants you increased strength and damage, but you’ll become more vulnerable to damage yourself. This skill has not been activated yet. Skill Rank Up: Meditate I > Meditate II! Increase the amount of Mana recovered. Low background noises, movements, etc (comparable to the common room of an Inn, a busy street at the market, etc) will no longer decrease the effectiveness of this skill so long as the user maintains stillness and a calm state of mind. This skill still cannot be used while moving or in the midst of battle. This skill cannot be used in conjunction with other Active skills. [color=red]WARNING! YOUR ALERT SKILL IS REACTING STRONGLY! RUN![/color] [/quote] [quote=System:Digbie] Skill Gain: Earth Wall I! Unlike the Shield spells, a Wall spell creates a "physical" barrier of magic between you and an oncoming enemy or attack. Earth Wall must have solid earthen material in the surrounding environment to work. At this rank, one wall of earth can be raised within a 5 foot radius around you. Its shape is limited to a square that is as tall as you are, with its width being the same. At this rank it has a maximum thickness of 6 inches. Altering the size, but not the shape, is possible and making a smaller or thinner wall will use less MP. Casting this spell a second time will destroy the first rock wall in order to create the second. You used Magic Analysis I! You used Material Analysis I! ---Severely Burnt Lessurwurm Hide--- An entire shedded skin and scales left by a Lesserwurm, but burned beyond recognition. This skin is [Worthless] Quality. Only the most skilled of crafters, or someone with an ability that could somehow restore already dead and greatly damaged materials, could make any use of this. It had a faint magical energy, but now that has gone away. ---Analysis Complete!--- [/quote] [quote=System:Mourningstar] [color=red]Yo! You have reached the Demon King's Prayer Hotline. Please hold, your prayers are NOT important to me. I kindly request that you STOP IMMEDIATELY. Do not EVER pray to me again. Prayers are for deities and I don't want that kinda fuckin' responsibility. This is an automated response system, do not reply to it or I'll send somebody to fuck you up. --Beep-- Update: If you're one of my Damned Heroes, this is for you. If you can prove your strength to me and survive, find my Palace. Protip--it ain't in that shitty cave. Try the Dungeons. --Beep-- The Prayer Hotline has detected the prayers of at least three souls in your immediate vicinity. If you are one of these souls, it is recommended that you pray to another deity for mercy. The Demon King will have none. Please hold, one of our agents will be with you shortly...[/color] [/quote] [quote=System:Oberon] Skill Gain: Keen Sight I! Expend stamina to increase the range and clarity of physical sight. Skill Gain: Minor Heal All I! Cast the equivalent of Minor Heal I on up to three targets simultaneously. One of the three targets can be yourself. This spell uses roughly three times the MP of Minor Heal I. All other parameters are as specified in Minor Heal I. Skill Gain: Spiritual Awareness I! You have become more aware of the spiritual side of the world. This will affect your interactions with certain types of spiritual monsters such as non-corporeal Undead. At this rank, you can only detect a hint of the spiritual world. There may also be other affects of this ability... Command [Form Party] acknowledged. You are already in a Party with Mourningstar, Digbie, Torrent, Ash, and Reoth. You have not established a special connection with your party members; their Status (such as HP Warning) cannot be shared at this time. Some forms of Experience are being shared. [color=red]WARNING! YOUR ALERT SKILL IS REACTING STRONGLY! RUN![/color] [/quote] [quote=System:Torrent] Skill Gain: Spell Cancel (--)! Spell Cancel is the ability to interrupt your own flow of magic without causing yourself backlash or wasting MP. You may now essentially "feint" with spells without losing the MP that would be required to cast them. However, not all spells can be interrupted this way, and some spells must be canceled with different timing. [/quote] The wind suddenly picked up, and it picked up [i]hard[/i]. A chill blew down every spine in the group. Overhead, black clouds seemed to be coming in from nowhere, and swirling directly overhead the camp. A red light flashed within that center--Oberon, with his new Keen Sight skill, would be able to see that this light was in fact some sort of diagram-- Like lightning, something fell from the clouds. It struck in the center of their camp, and the force of its landing shattered the rocks all around with a crash like rolling thunder. Slowly, as dust cleared and wind swirled, the [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/277/224/large/johnathan-reyes-borgir.jpg?1459659821]figure[/url] stood. [color=steelblue][b]"HEAR YE, HEAR YE, AND TREMBLE ALL!"[/b][/color] The powerful male voice [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dmrr3DxUK4]boomed.[/url] [color=steelblue][b]"The DEMON KING has declared a blight upon this place! Destruction and terror shall crash upon you like the waves of the sea! Know thy folly and despair, for the King of Demons shall bring oblivion to all who defy his will! I, BLACK KNIGHT ZAWISZA, lay waste to this land in his name!"[/b][/color] Each member of the party saw the same message at the moment Zawisza raised his blade. [quote=System] [color=red][b]The enemy's Terrifying Aura is being Suppressed. Your stats are too low to resist the Suppressed Terrifying Aura. Your stats are too low to withstand the Suppressed Terrifying Aura. The Suppressed Terrifying Aura is too powerful; your Stamina is draining. Your Stamina is draining quickly! Your Stamina is Low! The enemy's Bloodlust is being Suppressed. The Suppressed Bloodlust is too powerful; your senses are being overwhelmed! YOU ARE GOING TO DIE DEATH DESTRUCTION OBLIVION NOTHINGNESS HELL TORMENT PAIN MISERY FOREVER--[/b][/color][/quote] The air turned black, or was that their vision constricting as a pressure like the bottom of the ocean threatened to crush them from every direction? Beneath the visor Zawisza's [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pompfNvUTSc]golden eyes[/url] were opening, wider and wider, those eyes were the pits of the sun and they were all going to be tossed into them and burned to ash! The pressure was too much, their lungs were collapsing, their bones were breaking, their muscles were tearing, their hearts were stopping! His sword was cutting them, cutting their bodies, cutting their souls, cutting through their thoughts! No more, no more, they couldn't take any more, they were going to BE no more, NO MORE--! Zawisza's arm came down in slow motion. His body turned. The blade of his sword gleamed. The water in the creek evaporated around his feet. The rocks he had crushed to dust floated in the air around him as if lifted by a breeze. His body was consumed by black fire tinged with blue lightning, an aura of power so dense it felt as if it would draw their souls to it and crush them like a black hole. In an instant the world rushed back to focus as Zawisza intentionally swept his sword, almost casually, off to the side. Rather than directly at the party, he swung--almost lackadasically--at the mountains in the distance. Those distant peaks, snowy and distorted by the atmosphere, atop mountains that could easily have outmatched the Rockies or the Andes, glimmered in the sunlight. This time the noise [i]was[/i] thunder, thunder going off right in front of their faces, a sonic boom that surged through the air and tore branches from the trees. There was an instant, a mere split second, of a blue flash from Zawisza's blade. One of the mountain tops [url=https://youtu.be/GfTGkrSSpZA?t=37]exploded.[/url] They could see it, in the distance. Snow, and rock, and earth, and fire--an avalanche, a landslide, a roar that shook the ground beneath their feet as it grew ever closer and closer. Zawisza turned his head slightly, as if giving them only the barest of glances. [color=steelblue][b]"If next you pray...pray for swift death."[/b][/color] He dropped something that glittered like a crystal to the ground, and where it landed another red diagram of magical light sprang into existence. With a snap and crackle, the Black Knight shot up into the sky, piercing those dark clouds like a stone through muddied water...and then he was gone.