"Alidren Baldyr!" the stern woman yelled. "You get out here right now!" She had long, flowing strawberry blonde hair, with waves of curls that framed her broad but lovely face. Her dress was conservative, most likely due to the chill, colored green and white with archaic symbols stitched into the wool fabric. Her hair was tied into a long braid that flowed down her back, and she placed her hands on her hips. "I won't ask a second time!" as the mayor simultaneously knocked on the door, taking a much less aggressive approach. "Young Alidren, might we have a word?" he asked, affable. Ali's jaw was set firmly, and his hands curled into fists as his strong chest lifted and fell from his deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to experience. Still, he had an apologetic look when he looked at Mave who seemed far from comfortable. "I'm sorry, stay here. This won't take long." he told her, and stepped out of the Kitchen and into the foyer. He had thought to hide from them, but if he came to Bel Tine in two days without an explanation of where he was then he would be the village liar. When Ali opened the door, he would be kindly but firmly given a greeting by the mayor. A stout man in wool and cotton, with a mustache that was flecked with grey. Ali stepped outside, and the door would shut behind him. Mave would see Ali squaring off with the woman, who looked a barely two or three years Ali's senior, at least by the way she acted. She only made it to his chest but she had a way of speaking to him looking down her nose. The Mayor would sometimes pipe in to defuse the situation, but mostly it was Ali and the woman, with the tall younger man explaining rationally and the woman seemingly taking everything out of context and in the worst way possible, though by the end of it, she seemed to be satisfied, though annoyed that she wasn't conceded to immediately by Ali, who turned and stormed back into the house, closing the door behind him. He didn't talk for nearly half a minute, fuming and obviously not wanting to engage in conversation until he cooled off. Once he did, he sighed and stepped into the kitchen, trying to find something to do. "I need to leave the Two Rivers." He said, unable to not think aloud, needing to vent. "No matter how old you get or what you've done, you're always seen as a fool unless you're the head of a family or a wisdom." he said. He realized he hadn't explained what happened. "The Mayor and Wisdom Valerie had come over expecting to see you and to give you a talk, but I explained what had happened on the road...three times. Eventually when I didn't change my story they believed me, and told me it wasn't right to keep you here. Then I told them to get off my property." He said, taking out some bowls from the upper cupboard for later use tonight. He grinned at the last part of his explanation. "I'll go start a fire in the den." he declared, walking out of the Kitchen though remaining in earshot. "I'll make coffee soon, if you want some." [@Penny]