Asura gave off a barely audible grunt when he got hit by a Poison Spit. He'd have to deal with those later if Ardur and Mother Slime didn't take care of them now. But currently a tug of war was happening. He didn't have any Stamina and the Wisp didn't have the magical strength to pull the Source Crystal free from him. But like every fucking magic user he used a spell and chant and hit Asura with a water orb. That was the only way to describe the spell. And it hurt a good bit too. He landed with a splat, hoarding his half of the Source Crystal. He'd mess with it later, if it was even useful when it was broken like this. [color=red]"Try to steal loot from someones kill again and you'll follow this bastard."[/color] Asura growled as multiple cracks and thumps rang out around him. Ardur had taken out a Lizard in a rather cruel fashion and Mother Slime pummeled the remaining one. Pulling himself together he shifted in the semblance of rolling his shoulders. [color=red]"Ardur, could you give me a heal?"[/color] He request as he moved to the remains of the Dire Rat Jason had killed and tried to eat. It looked unappetizing but it was food. He sucked the remains in, purposefully draining its blood first to quench his thirst. Then he started to digest it meticulously. Examining its anatomy while he did so. Asura's sluggish brain brightened up momentarily. [color=red]"You mentioned a core, and corruption, Ardur. Where is this thing?"[/color] He asked, his raging voice once more that monotone. He was fully back under control at this point, his target killed. For now anyway. This was a fantasy world and he wasn't going to think Jason was fully dead yet. Mother Slime called for him to eat herr, was that here or was that her? [color=red]"We'll bring the other Lizard with us, Mother Slime. No point eating it just yet since we both have a good meal. I'm...not sure what Ardur eats."[/color] He called back before waving for her to come over. While he spoke he was looking over the Skills he could put points into. Most of which he knew how to build up himself so there was no point to making them tick over into use just yet. He also didn't want to waste any points to level up things he could do himself rather quickly. So he'd save them for now. [color=red][i]System, how much experience do I have? Show me Status Screen.[/i][/color] He thought and brace himself mentally for another oncoming headache in case it did that static shit again.