Isaac was quiet on the drive. He had made a mistake, and he knew it, in the way he worded his text. But watching Deus now, in person, he felt like he was looking at himself a few years ago. He felt like he understood this brand of pain. Isaac didn't ssy anything. Not a word. He knew without a doubt that there was no combination of words that would set this right or help the situation. Instead, he walked back to the truck and got his first aid kit, waiting for Bernie and Deus to separate before urging Deus to sit down so he would work on the gash. The procedure was simple enough. "Keep talking to them, don't mind me much. This will probably sting, though." Isaac wasted no time in getting hand sanitizer on his hands, then putting on gloves, then using some bottled water to wash the area, gently inspecting the depth of the gash. "Not quite enough for stitches. Lucky there." He patted it dry and began applying antibiotic ointment. He used a few adhesive suture strips to keep the wound a bit more closed than it intended to be. Once all this was done, he wrapped it a few times in ace bandage just to keep it covered but breathing. "Okay. So long as you're up to date on your tetanus shot, I think you'll be fine, leg-wise."