[b]Cassie-A313 February 21st, 2558 UNSC [i]Fortitude South[/i]Hanger[/b] The yellow armored Spartan-III frowned again inside her helmet. A fire-team wasn't much, but it would give them a bit more to work with. She gave a slight nod to the younger Marine. "It'll do." The...Unngoy was an unexpected arrival, and she wasn't really sure about his overeager nature, much less how she felt about him handling technical support. Cassie put the thoughts aside as she began to arm herself for the upcoming mission. She acknowledged the fire team with a curt nod as her HUD tagged them as Fireteam Foxtrot, four members. Led by a Corporal Darryl Hammond. She noted with a frown that two of them were PFCs. The third was a Lance Corporal. She secured her M6H2, a cut down variant similar to Gunfighter class sidearms, to her thigh, held there by the powerful electromagnets embedded in her armor, and began checking her rifle, ensuring it was in working order by quickly field-stripping the custom M392 and inspecting it. A venerable rifle used by the UNSC before the introduction of the BR55, parts for it were difficult to acquire now which meant she had to do a little more maintanence. The scope had been removed and she used a larger magazine that had been designed for the M392, but had never seen wide use. Above the magazine well was a series of scratched in tally marks, one for every Jackal the weapon had personally put down. On the opposite side, near the ejection port, was carved a name: Felicia. She finally spoke up as she began to put the weapon back together and secure additional ammunition, as well as grenades. "Fireteam Foxtrot, split into two groups, one group should be equipped for heavy frontline combat, the second should equip sound suppression on weapons and emphasize quick and quiet takedowns. Sergeant Greene, you should do the same. Kax, if you have any methods of silencing your weapons, I suggest you do so. Under the direction of Sergeant Greene, you will be going to the secondary entrance to the compound to secure the asset. Myself, Zertus, and the other two members of Foxtrot will be assaulting the main entrance to draw the enemy away from the secondary entrance and provide a distraction. We will designate my team as Team Alpha, and Sergeant Greene's team as Team Bravo. Team Bravo, you will be dropped first, to give you time to reach the secondary entrance located in the sewer system. Team Alpha will initiate contact and signal Bravo once defenses have been drawn away. Once that happens, Bravo will need to quickly breach the facility and locate the asset. Once you have the asset in tow, retreat back into the sewers and seal the entrance. We'll rendezvous at Bravo's initial drop point for pickup." She looked around at the others, "If Bravo Team cannot secure the asset, Alpha will switch from distraction to full assault. Both teams will move through the compound and eliminate all hostiles in a pincer movement." Cassie finished securing her ordinance and placed the rifle over her shoulder, where it was held by the magnetic strips across the rear of her armor's fusion pack. "Any questions?" [@Mataus] [@Rtron] [@Pyromaniacwolf] [@Lauder]