[center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/54c05c27822efe2bcd06aaddf3c6aadc/tumblr_inline_ooigboAoMH1stk93d_500.gif[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/old-english-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190128/4e7c27dbb04537671c3036878e20faa0.png[/img][/url] [sub]Collab with [@Aerandir][@Chiro][/sub][/center] [color=gray]The ride had been long and the group was exhausted. The trip, though successful, had taken many days and nights for the guards and the two royals. It certainly didn’t help that the carriage had broken down on the way back leaving the princess to have to ride horseback the rest of the way. They were almost back to the castle though, the group just now passing through the castle town. The king sat tall as he kept his eyes ahead, his stare occasionally glancing to the crowd of people watching them pass, only making anyone he laid eyes on cower from his stare. Anytime his eyes fell on one of his men they sat up taller not wanting to get in trouble for coming off as tired as they were. If anyone slacked off he would punish them and they knew it. Eleanor sat upon her horse riding side-saddle, the most uncomfortable way to ride but she couldn’t ride normally without getting in trouble. She was exhausted and her lower half practically numb from the long ride in such an uncomfortable position. All the princess wanted to do was sleep at this point but she kept her head up and a smile on her face. Quietly and kindly she greeted the people and occasionally would try and slip a few gold coins from her dress pocket to them if she could reach without falling off her horse that is. She just had to make sure her father didn’t see. The other guards, especially Fenros was used to it by now and Fenros seemed to really be the only one who paid much mind to what she was doing the better part of the last half of the journey. The rest of the men too tired to care. It was Fenros’ job though, seeing as he was her bodyguard. The castle town was as it usually was when they passed through, lively and crowded. People mainly cowering from the king while attempting to get close to the generous princess. It was clear which royal was liked more and that’s why the guards more centered around the king through the town as none truly believed the princess to be in that much danger. Of course she had guards around her too, but the king was the hated one. Fenros was walking beside the princess to her left. He had given the princess his own horse and walked beside her the rest of the way. Though he would have wished to have ridden with her personally. For a multitude of reasons. But he highly doubted the King would have approved even for the most logical reasons for protecting her. So he decided the best thing was to walk by her side. Though admittedly walking those miles in his armor was a brutal one. He felt it was good for him...having the position he did...he didn’t see action too much. He didn’t look it, but he was ready to just sleep in his armor. He couldn’t let that hinder his need to make sure El was safe. He glanced to her, as she handed out coins. He groaned inwardly… as she was sure to see the look on his face on not liking the idea of letting strangers so close to her like this. But he couldn’t stop her… it was what made her...well her. Especially when she kept that warm smile on her lips, despite being in pain he was sure from the way she rode. It’s what gave him strength. His left hand rested on the Pommel of his sword as he walked, partially out of comfort and readiness. He glanced forward towards the king, as to make sure he was not looking at them. Fenros drew closer to the princess and whispered.[/color] [b][color=0054a6]“We are beginning to draw a crowd. Perhaps we don’t want to draw more attention of your father the king?”[/color][/b] [color=gray]He would have hated to have her get into trouble giving money to her people. Glancing down at Fenros for a brief moment as he spoke, El nodded absentmindedly before she reached into her pocket to get the last of the gold and quickly handed it out.[/color] [b][color=cc99ff]“There, I’m all out now so I won’t hand anymore out.”[/color][/b] [color=gray] Eleanor informed him, smiling to him. [/color][b][color=cc99ff]“Besides the crowd would be here with or without me giving out coin Fenros. You and I both know this.”[/color][/b] [color=gray]She looked back up at the crowd, looking over everyone. Her heart growing heavy at the sight of some of the people. She would have to sneak out later with some food to hand out. She hated that there could be such an excess of it in the castle but so many people could have so little outside the gates. Fenros raised an eyebrow at El when she quickly handed one more coin out.[/color] [b][color=0054a6]“Yes….that’s true…”[/color][/b][color=gray] He said slowly. Everyone wanted a chance to see the princess. He opened his mouth to explain but he sighed as he knew, whatever he said, she would not listen to him. She had an overly generous heart for a royal. She looked around and he knew, she was thinking of the people. This was one of the reasons he never took the position as general for the King. He had to make sure she was safe.[/color] [b][color=0054a6]“Please princess….I wish to sleep tonight...Don’t be thinking what I think you are…”[/color][/b] [color=gray]A chuckle escaped Eleanor’s lips,[/color] [b][color=cc99ff]“Don’t worry Fenros. I will wait for tomorrow so you can get some sleep.”[/color][/b] [color=gray]She looked to him and grinned widely before looking ahead once again. Not wanting her father to catch her speaking with Fenros. A little further away, Annabelle finished putting on the stolen watch uniform. It was a simple outfit, not much different from the one she used to wear in the militia, although this time the chest had the Kingdom’s crest. Next she grabbed her crossbow, using a lever to span it’s powerful prod. She didn’t put the bolt on yet. That would come in later.[/color] [i]’This is it’[/i] [color=gray]Annabelle thought to herself as she climbed to the nearby roof. Up there she took the bolt and put it on the bow. Now she looked no different from any other crossbowman of the watch, observing the crowds from above. She wasn’t searching for apple thieves or possible causes of riot. Her target was the worst criminal of them all, the King. Annabelle couldn’t have believed her luck when she hard heard at the marketplace that the King and the Princess were late because of the loss of their carriage. That meant that they were forced to ride to the city in the open. The outlaw hadn’t actually thought of King dying like this. She had hoped to one day storm the castle with an army and force the King to walk to the bridge wearing nothing but a millstone tied around his neck, from where she would throw him to the river to drown like the dog he was. A fitting end to the Blood King. But beggars can’t be choosers. Besides, this one bolt would be all she needed. Annabelle could just imagine it in her mind. With the King dead, the Royal Family would tear itself apart over who would sit on the throne. In the chaos she would have time to find the disgruntled people to form an army. By then the Vanguard would only be a shadow of itself after being forced by the King’s children to fight amongst themselves, no match for the rebels. Oh, how Annabelle waited for the opportunity to humiliate what remained of the Royal Family before their execution. But first things first. Annabelle returned from her daydreams to the real world. The crowd below was retreating, a sign of the King approaching. She saw how the members of the Watch straightened themselves when the King looked at them, and Annabelle did the same. But as the King and his escort passed her, Annabelle took aim with her crossbow, targeting the King’s head. From the pressing of the trigger, the prod was released, sending the bolt towards its target. Just before the bolt was released, a guard had looked back in time to see them aiming for the king. With no time, but to yell [/color][b][color=yellow]“Assassin!”[/color][/b] [color=gray]He reached out and covered his monarch. The bolt piercing his armor and lung letting a gargle of blood escape his mouth before his weight and awkward position caused him to slide off the back of the horse. Four more guards on horses lifted their shields and covered the kings back, Urging the king to move towards a different route. While the King roared to kill the person who dared attempt to attack him. Though this did not stop him from rushing off a separate route. Nor did it seem to occur to him his daughter might have been in danger. As soon as heard the word the single word, Fenros felt a surge of adrenaline. Only glancing to see the man who was shot in the back, he was already mounting his horse. As soon as his much larger body was now shielding her, he wrapped his left arm around her waist and grabbed the reins with his right and snapped them.[/color] [b][color=0054a6]“Protect the King!”[/color][/b][color=gray] He yelled to the other guards, He would not let any harm come to El. But he didn’t know how many assassins there were. So he ordered the other guards to stay with the man, and hunt down. He did not look back as the other guards who had bows began to fire back at the assasin on the roof. Everything happened all very suddenly. The exclamation of an assassin, a man dying to protect her father, then Fenros was behind her. He had wrapped his arm around her waist grabbed the reins with his other and then they were off. Eleanor mostly just felt shocked at what had happened, her mind going blank as she recounted the last assassination attempt she had gone through. But this time Fenros was with her and there was only one person who was making the attempt, or so she hoped. El gently shook her head, her body subconsciously leaning closer to Fenros. He protected her last time and she knew he would this time as well. That is what she focused on instead of anything negative. Annabelle cursed her bad luck. One vigilant guard was all that stood between her and King’s death. And now the guards on rooftops had noticed her. She needed to escape. Luckily behind the house she had already put a carriage full of hay to soften her landing. The carriage itself would be no good for escaping. It was too slow in the midst of all this chaos. She discarded her helmet. It would only draw attention to her now, and replaced it with her cloak she had left on the carriage. Putting on the cloak, Annabelle ran to the opposite direction of the scene, attempting to hide in the shadowy alleys of Akarath. As the guards were scrambling, there was another man in a green mottled cloak with a Longbow in his left hand that was coming upon the scene. From behind. Walking with his horse following without guiding it with the reins. He had missed the initial attack, but saw the royal guards shooting up at the building behind them, and in front of him. His eyes followed the shots to see a person running away up and over the roof for their escape. An interested ‘hmph’ could came from his throat, as moved to the nearest alley that was near the assassins perch.[/color] [b][color=007236]“Stay Shay!”[/color][/b] [color=gray]he called out to his horse without looking who stopped suddenly where she stood. Once in the shadows he moved quickly enough to make it to the other side to see the would be assassin climbing out of her escape plan. He stayed in the shadows as she discarded the helmet. Slowly pulling an arrow from his quiver. Nocking it to the drawstring He waited for the right moment as she ran passed him in the opposite direction. As she ran away in the crowded streets, he waited till the absolute right moment before pulling back his bowstring and while aiming for only aiming for a second, he fired. The arrow hissed passed innocent people and found its mark a hundred yards away. The force of the arrow and unexpectedness of it suddenly piercing her shoulder would have caused the woman to be knocked down. The cloaked man ran out into the crowd as people screamed at seeing someone shot. He made his way over to the woman till he was only five feet away. Not even putting an arrow on his bow again. Sighing. He said irritably.[/color] [b][color=007236]“ All I wanted was some coffee…”[/color][/b] [color=gray]Reaching down he grabbed the girls uninjured arm. [/color][b][color=007236]“Up you go…under the order of his majesty the... “[/color][/b] [color=gray]He stopped himself. [/color][b][color=007236]“ you know what you are under. Come on then.”[/color][/b] [color=gray]Barely missing the action, another cloaked person jogged over to the man and the injured woman.[/color] [b][color=Cadetblue]“Dammit! I always miss the action! Never leave any fun for me do ya old man?”[/color][/b][color=gray] A woman’s voice spoke.[/color][b] [color=Cadetblue]“First you’ve been taking the kills for the meals and now you steal the catching of the king’s attempted assassin! It is quite rude if you ask me. Very rude indeed.”[/color][/b] [color=gray]The woman crossed her arms. Annabelle groaned, too much in pain to talk or fight, so she just let herself be dragged. She chuckled when the woman came, reprimanding the man from stealing her catch. The two bounty hunters had no courtesy at all, not that Annabelle assumed they’d have. There they were, fighting over who would get a chance to bring him to the king. Although for Annabelle it would be beneficial if the bounty hunters tried to kill each other over her price. It would give her some time to escape. [/color] [b]“Fight for the reward money all you want,”[/b] [color=gray]She finally grunted.[/color] [b]“All you will get from the Blood King is your own noose in the gallows as my co-conspirators.”[/b] [color=gray]The man stopped as he heard the voice of the woman behind him.[/color] [b][color=007236]“If you were not browsing every shop that sold a dagger… you could have been here to take her in.” [/color][/b][color=gray] he started to say as he turned around, looking at the woman with just a hint of a smile on his face.[/color] [b][color=007236]“I’m just keeping you on your toes.” [/color][/b] [color=gray]His smile vanished when the would be assassin spoke raising his eyebrow at her comment. She didn’t know who they were? That’s new. Pulling her back to where he left his horse[/color] [b][color=007236]“Honestly If I got paid a reward for every bandit I brought in, I would not…..”[/color][/b] [color=gray]he stopped suddenly as he noticed a smell. Looking to his right he saw a stall that had different sorts of Coffee beans. Their lovely aroma strong enough to reach their noses even in this street. [/color] [b][i]”If you got paid a reward?”[/i][/b][color=gray] Annabelle asked, realizing what the hooded man had just said.[/color] [b]“How can you make a living if you...”[/b] [color=gray]It was at that moment that the outlaw noticed the man’s mottled cloak, or rather why he would wear one, and gave a hearty laugh, or as hearty as she could with all the pain she was having.[/color] [b]“Woodsman,”[/b] [color=gray]Annabelle sighed, cursing her luck.[/color] [b]“Honestly, I don’t know if I should be honored, or mortified. To run into the King’s personal operatives like that. The Fate truly is against me.”[/b] [color=gray]He dragged the bleeding woman over to the stall, despite his small stature he had a vice grip on her arm. He seemingly ignored the woman laughing. Clearly she was finally coming to terms in an odd way.[/color] He looked the different kinds. Noting one he never seen before. [b][color=007236]“I’ll take some of this one please.” [/color][/b][color=gray]He said in a completely different tone. Almost like he was a boy in a candy shop. Despite the importance of taking this would be assassin to the garrison. [/color] [b][color=Cadetblue]“My old ones need to be replaced! I can’t help it, they have some real beauts in the shops here in town.”[/color][/b] [color=gray]The woman replied as she walked with him and the would be assassin. As the man stopped short, she also noticed the smell in the air.[/color] [b][color=Cadetblue]“Wait V-”[/color][/b] [color=gray]She tried to stop him but it was too late, the man was already dragging the woman to the coffee stall. Placing her hand on her face and shaking her head, the woman followed after them.[/color] [b][color=Cadetblue]“I swear this is an addiction for you. If you had to choose between anything and coffee. It would always be the coffee. Even if it was something like peace in the kingdom. Nope. Coffee. You’d marry it if you could. Honestly, I’m going to talk to a priest later. I want to make your love for coffee official.”[/color][/b] [color=gray]A smirk grew on her face as she spoke. It had been years since he tried to get her to enjoy coffee but it just never was her thing. The man looked to the girl. He opened his mouth in protest…. but hesitated. He shrugged as he realized what she said was true.[/color][b] [color=007236]“Don’t be silly….”[/color][/b] [color=gray]he said at normal tone. Looking back to the shop keeper as she handed him a small bag and he gave her some of his coin.[/color] [b][color=007236]“I’ve already tried….”[/color][/b] [color=gray]he said in a softer tone in sarcasm. He then seemed to remember he had a criminal in his hand.[/color] [b][color=007236]“It’s true that fate is with me today. I would have never have found this coffee stand.”[/color][/b][color=gray] He said lifting the coffee beans. Clearly in a better mood.[/color] [b][color=007236]“I have seen some stupid things done throughout my life. But nothing as fantastical as trying to kill the king in broad daylight…. alone.”[/color][/b][color=gray] He said as he packed the coffee beans in his pouch.[/color] [b]“And I would have succeeded, if it wasn’t for that vanguard in the rear.”[/b] [color=gray]Annabelle reminded. [/color]“[b]Carriage broken, the King had to arrive on horseback, a perfect target. One bolt to the head and he’d be dead. And then his children would have fought over who would get the crown, forcing the Vanguard to slaughter each other and the Woodsmen...”[/b] [color=gray]The outlaw went silent after realizing what she was about to say, so she turned her attention elsewhere.[/color] [b]“You capital folks have it good. Coffee, tea, sugar, tobacco, opium. Stalls filled with pleasure commodities. I’d be happy to just have beer to drink, instead of that cursed gin. It’s the only drink we commoners can afford anymore with you nobles taxing and confiscating everything. We can’t even gather branches from the forest without paying a compensation for it.”[/b] [color=gray]Annabelle sighed.[/color] [b]“Although, what does it matter? Here I am having a chat with the man who is sending me to the gallows, buying coffee like it was normal to do when holding a captive. Then again, I’m not exactly going anywhere, am I?”[/b][color=gray] The outlaw looked behind her, watching if the woman was still keeping her eyes on her. Letting a chuckle out at the man’s response to her joke, the woman simply shook her head. [/color] [b][color=Cadetblue]“Why am I not surprised…”[/color][/b][color=gray] she muttered. She then stayed silent, keeping her eyes on the fugitive while listening to the man speak before listening to the fugitive speak. Her idea on how the kingdom would fall was a fantasy at best, it made the woman scoff at the would be assassin. [/color] [b][color=Cadetblue]“You’ve got a skewed view of some of the people in the kingdom. Well those around the king… Most of the nobles can kiss my ass.”[/color][/b] [color=gray]The woman spoke the last part to herself. [/color] [b][color=Cadetblue]“Anywho, I do believe it is time we take the fugitive to the jail instead of buying coffee.”[/color][/b] [color=gray]The woman suggested. [/color] [color=gray]The man sighed, as he ignored most what the assassin said but chuckled, looking to his companion.[/color] [b][color=007236]“She thinks us to be nobles. She really doesn’t understand the world does she?”[/color][/b] [color=gray]He shook his head. But with her saying it was time to go he nodded his head, it was indeed time. He got what he needed. The two woodsmen retrieved their horses all while dragging the prisoner with them. The prisoner was then delivered to the castle prison to await her fate. What fate had in store for her? Well, that’s fate’s decision.[/color]