[center][h1][color=723437]Scar[/color][/h1][/center] [center][hider=My Hider] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/429420462242791434/465882949221351434/68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368652d616b302e70696e696d672e636f6d2f373336782f62612f31312f6462.jpg?width=376&height=474[/img] [/hider][/center] Scar didn't hide the concern he felt when he happened upon Macey during her and Hawke's fight, actually more like slaughter, against the remaining Hawks. He wasn't even needed to dispatch this tools, which he was somewhat glad about because it meant he could conserve his weaponry for more potent threats that no doubt lay ahead. Once the last of the Hawkes breathed no more and the twins were one with his shadow, Scar allowed himself to relax somewhat and approach Macey. Though he did keep a somewhat tentative, hesitant distance from the girl as he eyed up her blood-soaked self. There didn't need to be words exchanged, a silent conversation was being held. Content that she was fine for the most part, and more importantly in control, he gave her a slow, affirmative nod before following after Kris and Dianna. He would keep a close eye on her as they moved, to make sure she was still in control, but otherwise stayed silent. When they happened upon the Knight, Scar frowned and held a hand out. Not to stop the twins that ran forward, no. But more to stop any possible chance of Macey going berserk. Dianna was the member of the group who first spoke up, with diplomacy that caught Scar a little off-guard. This barbaric woman was capable of such a thing? Maybe they would've left the prison negotiations to her rather than their self professed leader, who seemed to lack even a fraction of the diplomacy on show. Not that Scar was exactly the diplomatic type either, but that wasn't his job, now was it? Though what surprised him the most was that it didn't somehow blow up in their faces. There was a first for everything wasn't there? Though it seemed like he had played a part in the Knight dropping his hostilities, despite the fact that Scar had spared them on curiousity of their movements, he was still glad he had made the decision to spare the twins. He doubted Kris would've made that same decision. [color=723437]"Oi, dumbass, don't think those two can't hear you."[/color] Referencing the twins, Scar slapped the back of Kris' head and shot her a look when she whispered to Dianna. Just because he had the same thought of using not only the twins, but this knight as well, to escape didn't mean he was stupid enough to voice it like she was. Last thing they needed to do was say anything that might remotely antaganise their new allies. [color=723437]"Just call me Scar. I'm the baby-sitter of these three morons."[/color] Calling out to the knight, Scar turned back and went over to Macey. [color=723437]"You ok? Don't need to 'take a nap' do you?"[/color] It was obvious the girl was struggling, any moron with half a brain could tell. If he felt it neccessary, he might need to take Macey out of commission for awhile. Though he would rather avoid that, seeing as they were in danger beyond their understand right now, if he felt like she was going to be a liability he might have to. Even if he had to carry Macey the rest of the out.