[@Archmage MC] - Other than the fruit mentioned, I don't have much ideas, its your fruit you're making ^^; . But turning people 'hollow' is a quite a broad definition. Depending on the user, that fruit might turn people insane. Andd the ghosts created might have be different shape, can also resemble things from nightmares :X [@Archmage MC][@Jerkchicken][@vancexentan][@Demous][@KiltmanBagz][@Scallop][@Speech][@sassy1085][@Walnutella][@JackDLemmy] Took a while for that, but I [s]copied paste[/s] worked out the OOC. Was a short one, but made an intro post! OOC: [url]https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/176429-one-piece-the-scarlet-pirates-reboot/ooc[/url]