Name: Mika Dennis Gender: Female Species: Wolf Hybrid but she keeps her hybrid form secret only changing when she absolutely needs to. Apparent Age: 13 Actual Age: 17 Appearance: [img][/img] Bio: A fairly quiet, down to earth person who only really uses her ablities when her physical strength doesn't work out. She was raised by animals after being abandoned and pretty much tortured by her two parents using her in a hybrid experiment along with people who actually willingly volunteered. She hasn't really been able to trust easily after it all and occasionally gets anxiety attacks sometimes even in the middle of class. ---- Powers: Transformation, healing, a large array of fire magic, a few small spells learned from two humans she trusts named Gabby and Gavin (may add them in, may not idk) Down Side: Suffers frequent anxiety attacks and minor insomnia Weaknesses: She's not easy to trust others and can be pretty stubborn. Fears(optional): Her biological parents Items: The sword on her belt, metal claws attached to her boots and gloves, her 3DS (she plays it when bored) Extras(Like learned skills): Stealth, video gaming (another thing Gabby and Gavin taught her)