[center][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ZealousDeepGermanspitz-size_restricted.gif[/img][/center] The sky was full of crimson lights. The red glow of an ambulance off in the distance, the embers of golden rain, the banners of a group hungry for power. Red was the colour of the night this beautiful, dreadful, weary night, be it blood or the uniforms it stained. Practically overnight, the town of recovery had become the town of battle, a warzone encompassing the entire city. Anarchy, put simply. The hills were alight and smouldering, the city itself erupting in chaos - just thinking back to even a day ago, even a few hours ago, and one could hardly find it within themselves to see how such a beautiful, hardy city had transformed into Hell itself. It gave a new, almost laughably ironic meaning to the name 'Jigokuraku Academy', loosely translated to "Hell's Paradise" or "Heaven Hell". By day, Kirisama [i]was[/i] a piece of Heaven, of paradise. Yet now... with such an eerie glow to it, fire and fighting and more fire, the [i]Hell[/i] part felt incredibly accurate. And with the dancing lights of a red aurora above, not unlike those seen in the arctic, and the oppressive sun which bathed the city in heat and scarlet hues, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference at a glance. Yet if you looked closely, one could make out small beacons of light -- hope -- which raged as passionately as the red aurora above. They came in many colours: the blues of someone confronting their fears, the golds of the inexperienced inspiring those in need, the greens of ingenuity and kindness, the greys of desperation and a fighting spirit. There was a sage who showed bravery in the face of peril, a sapphire finding spirit amidst hopelessness, a pink sharing wisdom and knowledge, an orange rejecting their past, a red going beyond their natural limit, a yellow who discovered focus, a black showing true heart. There was a purple who could mask the fear of others, a lime who could save those around them, and a bronze doing absolutely everything they could to shine gold. And uniting all of those beautiful colours was a pure, unfiltered white, rejecting the darkness around them with all that they had. All-Might set the standard for being a Symbol of Peace many, many years ago. It was through his radiant lights, of many colours, which could shine to the darkest reaches and fill those most troubled with hope. This was not the same; the man had no successor, both to his quirk nor to his title, and the next in line would build themselves up to his image in their own way. They rejected the many colours he had set for them, and instead used them, combined them, to fully encompass what they were with purity. The colours which made a hero, embodying all sorts of ideals, values, beliefs and virtues, could be summed up with that one word alone: heroism. And that white light? Whoever was the source of its glow was a [i]true[/i] hero. Unlike any that had come before. The next generation of heroes had come, and with it a new Symbol of Peace, and with that an array of vibrant colour embodying heroics. And the darkness creating that red aurora, causing pain and misery in its wake? [i]That[/i] couldn't even be considered a true villain. [i]That[/i] was a monster, so destructive and fierce it could threaten the world, and drown it under an abyssal blanket. [center]Today was Day One. But nobody could say whether it was the first day of hope... ... or terror. [hr][h3] [color=red]𝕊[/color]𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 | [color=red]ℝ[/color]𝕖𝕕 [color=red]𝕎[/color]𝕪𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕟 | Episode 0[color=red]1 : Day[/color] One |[/h3] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e3/0e/74/e30e74fa2839e6bc66cf0e7ce196801e.gif[/img][/center] Frost was uncommon to the people of Kirisama, though not completely unheard of, either. While the city had a remarkable tendency to draw fog, supposedly due to the surrounding terrain and wind currents, frosting over windows and sidewalks was a rare occurrence. The winter chill hadn't quite left the weary city, so it would seem, even though summer would be dawning on them in the coming season. Still, the new school year was upon them, as evidenced by pretty pink petals drifting at five centimetres per second. Speaking of, Jigokuraku's doors would be opening today, literally the day after they sent out letters informing the chosen few of their place. Some might call it tardiness, however with the exam called in early, they undoubtedly had to make a change in judgement. Point-based entry wouldn't cut it when so many failed to even acquire a single point, after all. Those lucky enough to get that short and simple proof of verification would have quite the morning ahead of them, with temperatures a few degrees above zero Celsius and a climb up one of Kirisama's steeper trails. It might have left a bad taste in the mouths of some, yet there were undoubtedly those who appreciated the simplicity and challenge. [b]Of course[/b] the only student who had a letter of recommendation fit into the latter of those two sides, perfectly comfortable with the cold most would find too bitter to bother with. Having woken up incredibly early out of habit, they were most definitely the first to partake in the climb up those steps, and climb they damn well did! Fuelled by excitement from their letter, they practically raced to the top, only stopping to catch sight of the view from the three quarter mark. The fog didn't intrude upon the sights today, it would seem, giving them a moment to bask in the morning sunrise, its orange glow stretching across the vast seas, skies, and soil. [table] [row][cell]"It's very beautiful... Perhaps another great morning I'll come here and sketch it into my notebook?" The student deliberated a little, however with their breath returning to them they decided to sit on the idea for now. After all, with the dorms up by the school, it wouldn't be nearly as rough a trek as it had just been. [img]https://i.imgur.com/qFnozKX.png?2[/img][/cell][cell][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAQGkGc6szg[/youtube] [/cell][/row] [/table] As the student took the steps to complete the rest of their journey, those who had found acceptance in Jigokuraku were at the beginning to a journey all their own. Some were only just waking up, admittedly, starting that journey later than others. What mattered was that they were chosen - accepted, even, and found a path they would not have been able to take without the help of Jigokuraku. What they didn't know was just what this journey entailed. The laughter and the tears, the friends and the rivals, the hope and despair, the heroes, the villains, and the in-between. The heroes of this particular journey would undertake challenges not many could safely say they had handled at their age, crawling their way from the mud in a race to reach their peers. Starting in dead last sucks, and it requires a special kind of student with a special kind of teacher, teaching in a certain, probably unconventional way, to get them up the ranks. But it truly was up to them if they would actually achieve that growth or not. The true weight of their actions would never really hit them until they reached Day One, and determine whether they shared inspiration or hopelessness. But for now, the first of many challenges lay before them: [center][u]Survive the first day of school.[/u][/center] [hr][hider=tl;dr]In a time yet to come, Kirisama becomes a warzone, filled with violence and flame. Its residents find comfort in those who fight for them, embodying the ideals of the Symbol of Peace in their own way, as a new symbol is born amidst the destruction. However, that time is far from now, where the polar opposite is occurring: a gentle frost captures the peaceful city in the early spring, the same day as Jigokuraku's big opening. The students who made the cut after the exam was cut short received a short, personal letter of invitation the day following the letter's arrival, and now face a daunting climb. The first day of school presents all sorts of challenges, and one unnamed student has gone ahead and beaten everyone to the top much, much too early...[/hider]