[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ff0000]Jia Li[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.postimg.cc/CxwvJkQV/original.gif[/img] [color=ff0000]{[/color][i]"When it rains, it pours..."[/i][color=ff0000]}[/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=ff0000]"Rain won't kill flames like that easily,"[/color] Jia Li commented. Rila had started essentially a wildfire. Jia Li had added a bit to it. She doubted that it would rain hard enough to put a dent in these flames - and she felt a bit bad about that. So much forest and life was going to be destroyed in the process. That was one of the curses of a fire bender - their powers doomed them to destruction. Yet she had decided that if she couldn't protect what she loved, then she would destroy what she hated - the perversion that the Fire Nation had become. [color=ff0000]"No guards. Village looks peaceful - unoccupied territory,"[/color] Jia Li said. She knew that there would be a cost to fleeing there. The Fire Nation likely would invade it soon enough, but the ends had to justify the means. They needed a place to hide and change their clothing, so that way they could join forces with the Rebellion... Well, she wasn't too sure what the others were planning on, but that was her intentions at any rate.