Sayeeda clung to Neil’s waist as the hoverboard descended towards the edge of the canyon and the settlement within. Adrenaline was burning out of her system leaving her feeling prickly and content as her endorphins rewarded her for both the burst of activity and the exhilaration of flight. She wasn’t sure exactly what had happened out in the desert but you learned to be grateful for any fight that you survived. She was about to suggest they return to their rooms when a thought crossed her mind. “Neil what is the main problem with the Highlander right now?” she asked. The pilot touched the board down not far from the ship and they hopped off. There were less people around now but the night time bazar was still doing some business. Here and there a vendor drowsed at his wares but most were alert enough at least to deter thieves. “The power conversion cylinders are fucked,” he said, snapping his heel down so the hoverboard sprang into his hand. “D-25 power cylinders?” she asked with increasing enthusiasm. Neil frowned, clearly uncertain where she was going with this. “D-30s,” he corrected, “But I could probably patch in TD-25s.” Junebug’s face was alight with newfound energy and enthusiasm. SHe threw her arms around Neil and hugged him tightly for a minute. “The tank Canek had,” she explained, “Its a Frizian TX-60, they use a pair of D-25s to couple the fusion bottle to the main gun.” Andor’s armored had used more sophisticated panzers but they had operated alongside units using the lower budget models frequently enough that they had scrounged supplies for field repairs. “Canek?” Neil asked and Junebug filled him on on what had transpired before he had arrived to rescue her. “So he wanted to hire you? Interesting method, beating you over the head and all,” Neil said at last. “Not the weirdest way I’ve ever been hired,” she responded. Neil looked enthusiastic, as it had with her, the idea that they might be able to get the Highlander airborne again was a tonic for his spirits. “That tank might be smashed,” he said but his heart wasn’t in the objection. “Taya,” Junebug said, triggering her implanted radio now that they were close enough to use it. The girls voice came back quickly. “Junebug, where are you?” she asked. “I’m just outside,” she told the girl. Striding with Neil towards the access hatch. “I need you to do a full communications scan and see if you can track down anything to do with a man named Canek, hopefully he is still alive.”