[hr][hr][center][h1][color=662d91]Alexander Polawski[/color][/h1] [img]https://t1.daumcdn.net/cfile/tistory/24727F37520C6D902D[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=662d91]Location:[/color][/b] The Bus [color=662d91]Skills: [/color]N/A[/center][hr][hr] This was as surreal as Alexander was allowing himself to believe without claiming that this was actually a really bad dream, or a very good nightmare. He had been through so much shit already, and not just after the world ceased to exist like he knew it. With the help of Manny, the first and best doctor the old veteran had been around since all of that began, whom he trusted a whole lot to not leave him like he perhaps should have, Alexander silently limped his way to the ever growing group of people around the chopper. Manny had spoken to him, but Panama had told them to shut up, and he recognized the same intent behind those words from his Sergeant. Then they were herded into a school bus of a Gun Trucker's wet dream. This was real. They were getting onto a bus and getting the Hell out of there. An older lady with the codename pulled straight of a Chris Rea album would be their driver, but other than that it felt reminicent to Alexander. Did his world repeat itself, just in the very long run? It felt like he was boarding the bus taking him to the airport to finally take him out of 'Nam, and back home. With the help of Manny, Alexander managed to get onboard and support himself limping down the aisle, giving Daytona an appriciative smile and a [color=662d91]"Ma'am."[/color] Alexander wanted to stick close to his own people though, and sat down behind where Beatrice ultimatly would be seated, making space for Manny to sit beside him. He wanted to say something, ask something, tell something, but in the comfortable seat and the A/C'ed air, the tired old man just sat down and took a breather. But he did look at Manny and gave him a smile for his words earlier. [color=662d91]"Yup, fellow Baby-Boomer. Tied to the hip. Are worse parts to be tied to, or people."[/color] That much was true, as Alexander looked briefly at the others entering the bus. He knew none of them like he did with Manny, Thalia, Beatrice and...Thana...wherever she was. But they were safe, and to old soldiers who had been out there, safety was more than one could ask for. So ol' Sparky from Chicago looked out the window, deep in thought. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#B8860B]Nigel "Hadrian" Cooper[/color][/h1] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/22900000/Lucius-Vorenus-rome-22923240-350-215.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][b][color=#B8860B]Location:[/color][/b] The Bus [color=#B8860B]Skills: [/color] N/A[/center][hr][hr] Nigel "Hadrian" certainly wasn't as optimistic as the old man with the redneck-made pegleg was, though he knew better than to argue. He admitted himself for the pat-down by Maddog and for them to take his things, before walking towards the bus. Did he, or any of them have much choice? Wayne and Hank were more than happy to join those military people, while Erica had told him that it was a leap of faith. It surely was, and one Hadrian felt he had no other choice but to leap head into alongside her...them. They had appeared sincere in their offer to be allowed entrance and safety, at least for a short while if they did as they were told. But Hadrian really, really hoped he would get back his belongings. First of all they were his, and secondly they couldn't possibly appricate how much effort had gone into crafting all of it. Barbarians, the lot of them. Including the young soldier who appeared to have a death wish. He liked the dog though. Nigel "Hadrian" boarded the bus as well, keeping silent as he walked and found himself a seat. Was it in defiance to his new 'masters'? In protection of himself and the others he trusted against those he didn't? In truth it could be that, but what else was there left to say? Nigel and Erica had already asked Maddog several questions, and recieved no answers. To him, it wasn't their turn to speak. Though he figured they would get more questions in return before the wool was pulled off their eyes. Nigel found a seat behind Wayne, though more out of safety than preferance. If they were going somewhere, might as well do it together. Even if his name surely would change in not too long. He really needed to come up with some good names for those two, though he still didn't know what Shovel-Knigth was.