[center][h1]Ascension Card Game - Boss Battle[/h1][/center] [color=red][h1]Rules[/h1][/color] Phases Resource rolls - Each player rolls 3 1d10s and chooses two from the highest as their resources. Turn rolls - Each player rolls 1d6 and determine order of turns. Map Roll - Each player will Roll 1d5 and the number it chooses is the location on the map is where the player will begin. Turn start - Each player will start with five cards of their choice in their hand. Then roll a six sided dice. Main Phase - This is where the player can choose to summon characters, use items, equip items, enter defense and use abilities. Combat phase - This is when characters target each other for attacks or spells. Each character can only attack once per turn or cast a spell. Characters can only attack characters Resource rolls - If a character chooses to roll for resources they must skip all interactions on their turn. End phase - Turn ends and passes to next player. Rotation end - After all players have had a turn each player can begin choosing one of five cards from what territory they are in. Each player can only choose one card per turn. 1. Each players has a starting hand and must use it to play with. At the start of each players turn they can draw a random card from the deck from the land they are in.