[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7oQVf7m.png[/img][/center] Azura’s planning session was interrupted by the appearance of two lights. The first was the arrival of Galbar’s first day, the light streaming down from an unknown sphere above illuminating this side of the world for all to see. Any disappointment she felt at no longer being this world’s one source of light was quickly washed away by the gentle warmth streaming down from Heliopolis and the sight of her sphere, now distantly visible in the vast blue sky that had arrived with the sun, her vast stone perches barely visible hanging in the sky like strange solid stars. As she bathed in the new light the sun was briefly joined by a red burning twin. She was confused monetarily, then briefly aghast as the red sun’s passing seems to create a shockwave that buffeted her temples aside as it briefly passed though her sphere and finally disappeared over the horizon. [color=lightblue]”Wha”[/color] was all that managed to come out of Azura’s mouth before she was blinded by a flash of light coming from the direction of the meteorite. She spread her wings wide in alarm, just in time for the blast to hit her, hurling the Goddess off of her craggy perch as Seihdara’s actions once again swept her off her feet. The torrent of air released by the impact bore her skywards. Azura was left dumbstruck for a few moments, tumbling dazed through the air and only coming to her senses when she realized she had started falling rather than soaring upwards. Still blind she attempted to slow and right herself to avoid a watery grave, but the blastwave she was unintentionally riding rendered this next to impossible. Gripped by anger and panic she fumblingly gripped the air around her with her power and commanded it to stop mistreating her. [color=lightblue]”Enough of this!”[/color] She sang loudly The wind obayed, hurling itself in opposition of the blastwave while at the same time she commanded the air it consisted of to calm and rise upwards. Combined pulling and pushing sufficiently stabilized the air around her, and Azura was able to use her wings to catch it, carrying her up and away form the waves she was mere moments from crashing into. As she sored up and away in her now calmer air pocket her vision slowly returned and what she saw was greatly troubling. Below a ring shaped tsunami was spreading out behind the blastwave, both of which originated from an area that had been just beyond the horizon that was now coated in a blanket of dust and mist that was gradually spreading out from the sight of the massive explosion that azura now recognised as the result of a meteorite impact. [color=lightblue][i]I hope no-one got hurt[/i][/color] she thought before flying towards the impact sight to make sure. She soared across the sea and into the clouds, her shining form acting as a light in the oppressive darkness that had be brought to this part of the so recently sun kissed world. Gliding to and fro Auzra was unable to make any headway in her investigation, the bank of fog and cloud much to opessive. Eventually, growing frustrated, she propelled herself up and out of the cloud, bursting through its top into the clear air above. Higher and higher she went till she could see the center of the debris cloud. Once she had found I she dove towards it, wings clinging tight to her chest while she dragged a torrent of air along behind her. She pierced the heart of the darkness and spread her wings again to decelerate, causing the air she had brought with her to blossom out, blasting a hole in the cloud. From her newly cleared space she set to work blowing the worst of the obstruction clear, hovering in place and slowly rotating while flapping her wings to gradually dispersing it in all cardinal directions. The site was cleared, but the dust and water vapor the impact had kicked up would no doubt be a lingering feature of Galbar for quite some time. What she revealed was a ring of newly formed islands jutting out of the sea surrounding the impact site of something mountain sized that had been flung at Galbar. A black sphere sat at the center of the ring of newly formed islands, barely visible through the km of water it had sunk beneath. From above the entire area looked like an eye so that's what she decided to call it. Investigation of the dark object at the center of the Eye yielded little information about who its creator was but the strange metal would no doubt give away its artizan once they, whoever they where, started making more things out of it. Of the target of this attack, if there had ever been one in the first place, there was no trace. [color=lightblue]”I really hope chucking massive rocks around does not become a thing among the gods”[/color] With that, the battered and exhausted Azura finally went to find somewhere to land again so she could rest. [hider=summary] The sun comes to galbar The meteorite created by Orvus and deflected Seihdara arrives Azura: gets wrecked by Seihdara’s actions again and is blown off her island perch Recovers and goes to investigate the massive cloudbank the impact knocked up Sky cleaning service engaged, this takes quite some time. Investigation time. Yup. that's some islands with an ocean in the middle that has a big old ball of weird metal at the bottom. Azura is pooped and goes to find somewhere to take a nap. [hider=map update. New feature. The Eye of Desolation] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/530884604895428641/539585204948434944/Galbar.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider]