Soma saw no reason to give such an order, as this was an important talk to be had. She wanted to make sure his full attention was in this moment. Not that she expected him relaxing would cause him to be any other way. [color=ed1c24]"Yes, I was there. I fought against a Gundam personally, someone who is able to affect me in ways I don't understand. Get in my head, make me lose focus, give me a horrible headache. I destroyed them at the cost of my own Mobile Suit, so I know what it's like to be up against something everyone claims is undefeatable. As for why this squad is being formed, the higher ups have been looking at how Celestial Being operated. They want something similar. A small squad, that can go where they want, and do what they want, when and how they need to. This squad will have far more freedom than what you're likely accustomed to. We are given intel, and we decide how to act on it. I'm sure you've heard of such a task force before. As the saying goes, technically, we don't exist. Many things we do, the governments will deny any part of. This is to allow us to take action that we otherwise could not. Say for example, we find a warship straying too close to Union territory. If an accident were to happen, the Union has no part in it."[/color] She paused, as she looked out the window behind her desk, looking down over the sea's seemingly infinite expanse. [color=ed1c24]"It is vital that you understand that how we operate is not natural. It's not the same as other Squads. When we fly with the world watching, we are just another Union Squad. But we will be doing much more than that."[/color] Looking over her shoulder, she simply said [color=ed1c24]"Assuming you understand and accept all this, you may be at ease."[/color]