Dalious blacked out momentarily from the crash into the table, missing the blinding light in the process. When he came to, the fight was over and the she elf had Joss on his knees with a blade to his throat. He could see that she was hesitant, so he simply walked over and grabbed the blade from her hand. [Color=steelblue] "Eye for an eye, mate,"[\color] he said, then stuck the blade through Joss' left eye, before pulling it back out and then slitting his throat. Joss took awhile to die on the floor. [Color=steelblue]"Thank you lot for believing me," [\color] Dalious spoke to Cicero and the elf. [Color=steelblue] "I'll take you to the nearest dock where you can carry on about your ways. For helping me, I will also give my services to you. I know it may not seem like much, but I really have nothing better to do now that I'm a lone pirate. The rest of mutinys crew can walk the plank on the way. There, it's settled."[\color] Without waiting for a response, he made his way to the ship's deck and took his captain's wheel. He raised the anchor and fixed the sails for the current blowing wind, then set off to the nearest dock. [Color=steelblue] "Pirate's life,"[\color] he muttered to himself while the sun began to show far off in the horizon.