Ali had not embarrassed himself nearly as much as he had imagined. His feet had moved well and he took her hand whenever the music called for it. He had to smile, because truth be told he was having a fine time. If you had told him yesterday that a fun girl would pop out of the brush and suddenly start to reorganize his life with her presence he would have called you a fool and to put down the brandy. Now, sitting by her and taking a rest, he felt very satisfied with how the afternoon was turning out. "Me as well," he replied to her, wiping his forehead with his solid forearm to brush off the light perspiration. "[i]Alidrin what is going on, first its bandits, this girl... begging your pardon miss, and now I hear there is some strange man looking for you? What have you gotten yourself into boy?[/i]" Both Ali and Mave blinked at the interruption as the old and affable mayor approached, trying to be as congenial as usual, though he was also as blunt as badger. Ali smiled, having an easy way about him. "Is there something wrong with her?" he asked, indicating toward Mave, and the mayor grumbled, shaking his head earnestly, with his hands out as if to settle the two of them down when they hadn't made a move. "No, no she is a fine woman. I'm certain you're a fine woman. Everything is just so strange, please let me know if there is anything you need to tell me." "I know about the man asking for me, but I don't know who he is." Ali said, his face turning from lighthearted to taking his concerns a bit more seriously. "I've seen him twice the past day, but you need to believe me, Mayor Al'Cagan, I haven't done anything other than help Mave this morning. Maybe he's with them?" "Maybe, lad. Maybe." The mayor replied, puffing smoke out of his pipe as he tried to think of another protest or reason for these queer happenings. "Your da told me you went to Taren's Ferry yesterday. Did you skip out on paying anyone there?" "You know I always win at dice. Light, and you know I'm not dishonest enough to cheat someone out of money." Ali said, slightly defensive at the accusation. "I'm not sure what's happening mayor, but I honestly do not know who the man is or what he wants. I stake my life on it." When he meant something, it was a palpable feeling, as if the world could feel his surety. The mayor nodded, convinced. "Hmmm, very well, very well. But I only ask so the Wisdom doesn't get to you first. Or young Evelyn. Be glad she wasn't here today. That pretty young thing has had her eyes on you for years." "I'm sure we'll see her tomorrow." Ali said, wanting to change the subject off of the girl. Blood and Ashes, his mother had always said women liked a pair of shoulders but the last few years he'd had more attention than he was used to. He had not known Mave long, but at least she didn't try to tug him around like a dog on a leash. "Thanks for the talk Mayor. Tell your wife we loved the meal." It was clear Ali meant for the questioning to be done, and the Mayor took his cue. "Yes, yes, good talk my boy. Good talk." as he waddled away. "We'll need to be getting back soon." Ali said, and then he added something else, as if there was someone else speaking for him. "You know, if you're not comfortable with staying at my house, you could stay at the Inn. I'm sure it wouldn't cost any coin." Oddly enough he hoped she refused, but he wasn't about to make her stay at his place. [@Penny]