It was not precisely accurate to describe Julan as confused, though an observer could easily make that mistake. He was aware of his surroundings, and aware of everything that Janius had been doing and saying. He knew that Thorantilth was working on his marks, though he could not feel anything in his numbed body. The Hist sap had simply given him another focus within his own mind that had his full attention. After several minutes of not answering, he finally spoke, though not as a direct response to Janius. "It was all meant to be." Kaleeth took the bowl, though did not yet drink from it. The sap was familiar, and not at all frightening in itself. There was no reason that any Argonian raised in the swamps would be afraid of the Hist, or anything relating to it. Even the thought of drinking it felt warm and inviting to her, but the worries that had been plaguing her were still quite present in her mind. "I'm not sure I'll be able to get what I was wanting. It was...three seasons ago, I think my father said. Well over a year, probably closer to two. How long do the souls stay with the Hist, Tunxeek? Has she not already been reborn?" [hr] Ahnasha shrugged, seeming at least somewhat more relaxed than Fendros at the moment. "I don't know, but the Penitus Oculatus is a name that means something in the Empire. And Marod does have ways of proving his identity. If we bring in that kind of help, I'm sure we'll be able to present to him pretty convincingly what is going on. It's not like it's an unbelievable story. Your father lived through the Oblivion Crisis, and with his kind of magic, I'm willing to bet he fought in it too. I'm sure he knows how some Daedra love to set their ambitions for Tamriel. That Vile is taking a more patient, subtle approach will make perfect sense to him. And who knows? Maybe demonstrating that you have the ear of one of the Emperor's elite guard will show to your father that you've been doing more for the past decade than hiding in the woods and sleeping with a cat. It would give us undeniable credibility, without a doubt. If you don't think just knowing the truth would be enough for him, then we could probably tell your mother and ask her advice." Fendros would be able to see a slight swirl of magicka around Ahnasha's hand. She stared at the glowing strands of magic with what was perhaps some regret, though with some uncertainty as to the reason. "I suppose with Meesei there, we will have to worry less about the threat of violence..." She began, her voice steadily showing more hints of frustration. She turned her head away from Fendros and crossed her arms. "...I mean, of course I could best your father too, but I have to admit that Meesei could do it with less...collateral damage. And I would probably want to be safe and use some more powerful spells that I would have to sacrifice some valuable soul gems to use, so...her help would be for the best. Yeah, it would just be more convenient."