Phann blinked not quite believing her eyes, having spent her life believing that death would simply be the end she was rightfully surprised to find herself standing in a child's body, surrounded by grass and completely alive. After the initial shock of not being dead wore away, Phann couldn't help but grin a little, finding the notion that truly nothing, not even life itself, could be held sacred. [color=9e0b0f]"Well I guess that's atheism out the window... maybe I should just adopt faith in this goddess’s religion..."[/color] Phann paused for a moment, briefly considering her own musings before dismissing the notion entirely, deciding the before she blindly went about enacting some deities will she'd first like to check that she agreed with that will and then might consider enacting it with her eyes wide open. It wasn't like she had any reason to trust this goddess had common interests anyway, if this world had one or more deities then it also stood to reason that her own had had such beings as well and she certainly didn't consider many of their achievements to be things she could get behind. Still, regardless of whether Phann was going to adopt a faith or not, it was fun to ponder on such topics and she had just been given so much to think on. Did magic exist in this world? It seemed likely given the circumstances... For that matter did the fundamental scientific rules of her old world even apply here? If not then what did... Was whatever divine force that governed this world truly all-powerful? Paradoxes aside it would appear not if they had to rely on summoning the dead to do things for them, though maybe that purpose was amusement... What else made this world different, or was... Phann was snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of the goddess whispering into her ear, causing her to frown slightly. The "Don't you dare slack off" part she found more than a little vexing but more so was the fact that the goddess had seemingly dumped her and all these other people, she was somehow only now noticing, into dangerous territory. Still, at least the deity had provided a warning at all and her words had drawn Phann's attention to her surroundings which was probably a good thing. Phann looked over the pillars with some degree of curiosity, before shifting her attention to the glades more interesting feature, its current occupants. The first people she noticed was a large, gaunt-looking man, whose other features she could not make out many of his other features for the filthy cloak he wore and who seemed to be offering a hand to what seemed to be a very small pirate with a pair of, if she had to guess, giant magitech apendages of some kind extending from her back. Next, she spied a white-haired female in a lolita dress, Phann figured most would consider her conventionally attractive had it not been for the sinister vibe she gave off, honestly Phann couldn’t help but grin at this, the strange part of her mind Phann had spent so long cultivating finding the whole creepy aesthetic strangely pleasing. After that what appeared to be a large, muscular creature, halfway between a man and a lizard, it didn’t seem hostile so Phann assumed it was fine but really wanted to know how something like that even came to exist. Finally, Phann looked over to where what appeared to be an elf and what Phann guessed to be the personification of egotism where having a conversation. Given the fact that her own appearance seemed to have changed and she wasn't the only one caught in the crash, Phann deemed it entirely likely that at least a few of these people where her fellow classmates or worryingly enough, members of the hijacking group. Pushing that thought aside but maintaining some degree of vigilance, Phann moved on to checking her own self out. Beginning her examination, it became immediately clear that she was at least a couple of years younger than she had previously been, with lighter skin and hair as well. She seemed to be wearing some kind medieval jesters costume. if the hat was anything to go by, and whatever the case it was quite possibly the single most comfortable thing Phann had ever worn. Eventually, Phann reached up to probe her face, searching for the burn scars she'd become so familiar with. Nothing. In spite of liking to think herself as having moved past the matter of physical apperances, Phann couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy at the loss of the marker that had burdened her for so long. Suddenly feeling great about the whole scenario, Phann let her usual too wide grin spread across her face, eyes widening as she began to let out the mad laughter she'd spent so long mastering, slowly rising in intensity from a manic giggle into a full-blown cackle. An image of insanity only made further horrifying by her new childish form. After she'd finished, Phann took one last moment to bask in the giddiness she was feeling before, sufficiently convinced that anyone from Kurtzpel was now aware of her identity, she set about planning her next course of action.