[quote=@BrokenPromise] Probably because this topic is talking about the former PW, which was rando mutiverse garbage. You're thinking about the current one. [/quote] My mistake I misread the OP when he said new SW PW. [quote=@Odin] I know of at least one good SW RP to have existed at some point. And I don't even follow those RP's because I never saw SW. I think Ruby ran it. [/quote] I've seen a few that were better than Last Jedi, if that's what you mean. Problem is everyone wants to put thier own brand on everything, and you can't put any brand on SW except Lucas. It's too iconic and established. So when a few people are trying to do decent grass roots Jedi, Sith, Empire, or Republic characters, looking for a meaningful Star Wars experience, that one kyber-katana wielding ex-Sith Jedi Academy drop-out turned bounty hunter just destroys it all by proxy. And some broken, self-centered, unicorn character build emerges in every RP known to man.