[@Bright_Ops] Argos listened to the new goblins tale which he now knows is named greedy. It sounded like whoever he was following was a moron. He then sighed and said [color=red]"well unless they were smart which I'm honestly doubting then they are probably dead by now. Wolves are no easy prey and they become practically unstoppable to us gonlins in a pack. I'm not trying to be mean I'm just preparing you for the worst. Though if you going to stay then you are going to pull your own weight"[/color] he said simply. It wouldn't be so bad for him to have a partner at least for when the trolls end up getting them whatever food they ask for. Hunting alone was a pain and way to dangerous alone and he could acknowledge that much. [@demonspade64][@ReusableSword] The goblins were duking it out together as they sparred gird could feel his mind altering as he moved with more precision. He would soon found out that he had combined his stone skin with his deathly movements and was able to create a new fighting stance. He had just create [b]Stone Wind Stance[/b] this stance allowed him to move with fluid motions while still having a strong defence to handle any blows that tried to hit him. He would now be tougher to beat in an unarmed fight. [@Darked13] [color=007236]"you as well little hob"[/color] he responded to the goblin saying that may the goddess protect him. He then went back to his spot and got cozy as the animals came around him once more once the goblin had left. As the hobgoblin ran off to find food he would soon hear the familiar growling of a wolf nearby. It turned out that a single wolf had gone hutning and had killed a horned rabbit. It was currently busy eating said rabbit and didn't notice the hobgoblin nearby... [@Haeo] The goblin would soon see the rabbit looking up as if sensing something but if the gonlins stayed still then it simply went back to getting more berries. Clearly he had to keep his bloodlust in check or the rabbit would make a run for it. The goblin would soon notice that their weren't any trees nearby for him to climb so he would have to take his chance on a ground attack and hope for the best. The rabbit kept eating berries and kept working on getting some for it's den.