[center][h2][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Perhaps she'd been callous in her assumption but with Chie's nature Kanbaru couldn't take her words at face value. She could understand being hurt over the loss of a particularly enjoyable adversary given how much they both got into fighting each other, but it could just as easily be an excuse for Chie's own rampant battle lust. Regardless it did nothing to stop Kanbaru from reacting harshly in face of Chie's sudden surge of murderous intent amidst the wash of Light and Dark energy in the school. Lurching to pull herself fully onto the bed Kanbaru straddled the red head, using her superior size to force Chie down while her hands closed around Chie's wrists in a tense grip. [color=cyan]"Hey, eyes right here, Chie. Feel that tickle of murder welling up in the back of your throat? That's Touka, not you. You're right here and you're going to stay calm until the moment shit explodes on us. [i]Then[/i] I'll cut you loose. You give me a hard time and I'm freezing you to the bedframe."[/color] Her gaze flicked to the walls, trying to envision the confrontation that was no doubt causing this. [color=cyan][i]If this does escalate we're liable to not have a school afterwards...[/i][/color] [hr][center][h2][color=slategray]Tsuruga Deishuu[/color][/h2][/center][hr] The Light Girls and the Holy Monster posing as a normal teenage senior had passed her by, Tsuruga petrified in the street by a simple fork in the more metaphorical road. On the one hand, they were heading to her school and that would blow up in everyone's faces when either side saw the other, and she should therefore be there for her faction. On the other, Aegis would be there and they would have no chance if something like her went all out, so she should therefore flee and wait for the others to do as well. Then the inevitable occurred and she flinched as the geyser of power that was Miso High, normally dormant as the Detention Club went about their days, erupted with an intangible force of Darkness and Light warring against the others presence. [color=slategray]"Che, this is just fucking fantastic..."[/color] Tsuruga turned towards the school with eyes frantic and unsteady, her index finger being worried sharply between her teeth. Latching onto the mingling energies she tried to grasp the situation from afar, detecting that nothing had as of yet happened to level the school. Then she caught upon the familiar signature of her partner and screamed shrilly, abandoning her consternation and leaping into the air with a frantic heave of her wings. [color=slategray]"My idiot, meathead, touchy feelly, food for brains, caring partner! Idiot idiot idiot idiot!"[/color] Tsuruga screamed, lost in the jet stream of hurtling towards the contested class. Reason re-asserted itself and she hammered her wings hard. The windows of Touka's class shuddered in their frames drawing the gazes of mundane students who'd only see the empty air and think a particularly strong gale had come through. Everyone else would find the light of the sun blocked out by outstretched wings, Tsuruga's maddened face all but pressed to the glass as she zeroed in on Ami. [color=slategray]"I swear to all the Nightmare's in Miso if you start a fight I will burn your house down mid-sleepover!"[/color]