Alexander walked down the corridor, heading to his locker. He opened in, taking his books out that he needed before he would get back to his locker. The loud students around him didn't phase him, especially because he had his headphones on and was drowning out the rest of the world with the music playing through them. He quickly took his books out as the shrill sound of the bell made a slight interference in his song. He took his headphones off, stuffed them in his locker and closed the door. He headed to first period through the swarm of students before him, and slipped into a seat at the back without really being noticed. As he looked around his eyes fell on a girl who was clearly new to the school, but he seemed to recognise her. He couldn't work out how he recognised her but there was something really familiar about her face. He couldn't imagine how he'd forgotten her, she was a very attractive girl, and he was sure that, had they met, he wouldn't have forgotten her. It all confused him.