[i]Was this supposed to happen?[/i] Last thing Jyu-in could remember, she had got on the bus to her new university. If it was just a simple trip across Scotland, why was she hurtling through the air? Right! The kidnappers. There were definitely some kidnappers who took them all hostage. Still didn't really solve most of the mystery, but it helped explain why it happened. Wait a second, no it didn't. If she was on a bus, how did she end up in the sky. Wait, what was she hearing? It was hard to hear over the eardrum bursting wind noise. Rather, she didn't hear it. She [i]felt[/i] it. Something about being in one location, with the right piece, having a new southern body, and slacking off in the glade. Still though, the ground approached fast. Wait, wasn't this exactly how she died in the first place, hurtling at high speed towards an immovable object? [color=5DFF03]"Oi fuck."[/color] She landed with a splat, two heavy weights smashing on top of her with comedic timing. Before she had a chance to die, the weights seemed to lift off of her back. What was all that about? Before she could get up by herself, an unfamiliar voice emerged from outside the grassy knoll her face was currently deeply implanted in. An unsure inquiry about her health, it was. Jyu-in didn't really feel pain. In fact, besides the grass tickling her on all sides, she didn't really feel much. With a hand on each side, she pulled her head out of the earth. [color=5DFF03]"Down fucked, I am,"[/color] her voice seeped out indeterminate accents and booze. It felt as though her jaw had slammed enough spirits to exorcise Ireland. In fact, that wasn't even what she was trying to say. Her brain had sent the signals to her vocal cords to make a sound similar to 'I might be hurt, can't tell, sorry' but it got jumbled along the way. Not really jumbled so much as completely demolished. Instinctively, she covered her mouth and took the strange man's hand. He was a bit smelly, actually. She didn't really say anything about it. That's when she noticed something very important. [color=5DFF03]"Blimey, why's my head so bloody low?"[/color] Again, she spoke in mixed up words. What she meant to say was 'wait, why am I short'. Indeed, she barely reached the smelly cloaked man's (presumed) navel now that she stood up. She turned around to gauge her surroundings. Her other companions, so to speak, were a cackling jester, a paladin-looking fellow doing something to an elf woman, giant metal robot arms, a lizard, and a goth. Wait hold on a second. A lizard? Wait, no. Why was there a set of massive floating robot arms? [color=5DFF03]"Oi? Fuck's this shite?"[/color] She let go of the smelly man's hand and backed up. The large arms followed her every move. Rather, now that she was focused on them, they mirrored her every move. When she lifted her arms in an extremely useless sense of self-defense, the arms mimicked everything. Finger position, arm shakes, everything. Wait, everything? She stopped moving back and slowly (but surely) made an okay sign with both hands. The arms followed suit, mirroring the exact movements. The arms must either be a massive bellend and was making fun of her, or they were hers. The only words that could come to her mind in the confusion was a simple 뭐. [color=5DFF03]"Cor blimey..."[/color]