Jett couldn’t remember the last time he’d had this much fun dancing with a partner. Sure, he’d had other talented partners in the past—he’d even had plenty of attractive partners—but the routines had all been for performances. It was hard to let go and just lean into the music when he’d had to keep track of an eight-count in the back of his head. Being with Anna was something else entirely. Aside from the fact that he didn’t have choreography to stick to, he also didn’t have to worry about dumbing down any of the steps he led her through. She was a talented follow, and she kept up with his moves with a level of confidence he’d only seen in professional dancers. She was also hot. Like, [i]really[/i] hot. In fact, Jett was starting to find it difficult to focus on anything else with the way she brazenly moved her body against his. He could feel the sway of her hips beneath the hand he had so coyly slid down her backside, and with her face no further than an inch or two in front of his own, she took up the entirety of his vision. Usually, he had no problem being this close to a woman, since he’d been dancing platonically with partners for the last seven years, but there was just something captivating about Anna that was different than anyone else he’d been with before. The way she moved wasn’t just smooth, it was [i]sexy[/i]. And, if he was honest, it made his heart race with an excitement that wasn’t just because of the dancing. Anna continued to further impress when she didn’t shy away at the crowd of onlookers. Performing in front of audiences for a living, Jett was used to being the center of attention, but he was well aware that most people got stage fright when other eyes were on them. He was surprised that she didn’t seem bothered by it. As she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, he didn’t skip a beat, adjusting his hold on her so that both of his hands were resting on her waist. He slowed to a gentle sway as the music changed, stifling the urge to roll his eyes as he realized that someone from production had probably told the DJ to put on a slow song for them. [i]They must really be hoping for something romantic to happen, huh?[/i] “I’m thinking we should kick this one old school,” Jett murmured in her ear with a mischievous smirk. “They’d like that… Ever tried blues dancing before?” He slid his left hand up to her shoulders and offered his right hand for her to take as he proceeded to change up his footwork. While it was an old form of dance, he’d found that blues was sort of timeless by itself, since it could be reworked to fit nearly any song with a steady four count. Being well-versed in the steps, it wasn’t hard for him to make it work for this one. He could see a cameraman homing in on them from off the corner of his eye, clearly eating up the intimate dance. [i]I’m getting the feeling we’re going to have a lot of screen time in the pilot episode,[/i] he thought as he led Anna into a smooth turn. As they worked their way around the dance floor, Jett put a little drag into his step, showing off for the audience that stood watching from the side. Whether Anna had tried this style before or not, he thought she was keeping up with him quite well. The longer they danced, the more she proved to be able to match whatever he threw at her. He liked her tenacity. Closing his eyes, he let himself sink into the music and allowed it to guide him through the motions to create a fluid sequence of moves. Eventually, the song came to an end, and he concluded the dance by lowering her into an easy dip. “That was fun,” he said somewhat breathily as he raised her up again and took a step back to part. After dancing with her for a few songs in a row, he wanted to take a short break. Turning to the side, he picked up two Old Fashioneds—he had strategically lingered close to the drink table by the end of the song in order to grab some when it was over—and offered one to her with a wink, “Thanks for humoring me, Anna.” [hr] [hider=Poke]Here's a [url=]contemporary blues[/url] example, just for reference. One of the sexiest forms of dancing around (skip to 1:00 in)[/hider]