[h2][center]Yukine Chris[/center][/h2] "Oi, hey wait a minu—!" Once Hibiki had taken her arm, the unfortunate young woman already had a feeling about what was to come. She had seen her friend act like this many times in the past, and much to her chagrin, each of them ended up... "Aaah, fine!" Chris declared in half-defeat, resigning herself to being dragged along like a ragdoll in Hibiki's search for whatever it was that the crystal was pointing them towards. It was better than waiting around for something to happen to them, at least. It took a few blocks of weaving through the crowds of people (who, as it seemed, were still half-ogling their outfits) before the pair came across... Whoever those people were. Unlike the two high school girls, the ragtag group in front of them looked far from simple cosplayers. Putting aside the fact that they didn't look quite Japanese at all, there was the matter of one of them with a distinctly [i]sharpened[/i] spear and another with what was obviously a sword. Be in ornamental or not... "Erm... Are you... Cosplaying tourists, by any chance? You know that there's a law preventing people from walking around with weapons in public, right?" she asked as the crystal in Hibiki's hand suddenly began to shake and float into the air. The two other jewels present in their immediate vicinity, conveniently located within the hands of the others in front of them. That, of course, made it abundantly clear to Chris that the ones present here were also likely on the receiving end of whatever off phenomenon had struck earlier. After the three jewels rose into the air and circled their heads a few times, they immediately crashed into one another in the circle they had formed. There was a brief pause and a slight wince from Chris as they collided, but where she expected to see dust there was instead a translucent white orb in its place. It seemed to float there in the middle of their two groups, but oddly enough nobody else on the streets seemed to be looking at it. Or them anymore, for that matter. "Er... Are we going to run into another issue?" Chris asked, eyeing the orb warily as she freed herself from Hibiki's ironclad grip. "I don't see any more weird shadow people or things blowing up..." [@Rabidporcupine][@VitaVitaAR][@TheFake][@Raineh Daze]