[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjJlNzJmZi5VbmxoYmlCWGIyOWtjdywsLjEA/sand-dunes.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [@PrinceAlexus] Interacting with Vika, who happened to enter a closed restaurant lol~ [hr] Ryan was sitting behind the counter, going through the day's menu and its possibilities. [color=00aeef][i]"So the milt is for that one couple. I have tuna being marinaded, some last season Kinmedai, Shinko is being soaked in the vinegar, the Aori Ika is kept cold and raw of course.. Hm......"[/i] [/color]It would seem, during this time of year, the fish offerings are not as bountiful as he would have liked. No matter though, he still intends on serving the ingredients that he has, as well as he could. Of course, he was lost in his thought. The clocked showed that it was still early morning and the morning prep staff had returned home to prepare for the rest of the day so he was alone in the restaurant. Some [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6-TWRn0k4I]music[/url] could be heard, playing softly in the background. The restaurant was kept dim, but not dark. There definitely was no other patrons in the space, as the restaurant is by reservation only and only open during dinner service. When the bamboo door slid opened, he was surprised. He peeked around the doorway and saw a slim girl come through. [color=00aeef][i]"I really need to start locking the damn door..."[/i][/color] He thought to himself. Taking a small breath and sighing slightly, he stood and straightened himself out before approaching the girl. During his approach, he noticed that the girl was using a finely decorated cane. Not that it mattered at all. He just thought that he might need to make his restaurant more accessible for future possibilities. [color=00aeef]"Hello miss. My name is Ryan. Um. Yeah. We're not open currently, but yeah, it is quite chilly out there. I can make you some tea if you would like. And since you mentioned decaf, I'll make you the green tea... Um, in terms of food, we don't have salmon currently,"[/color] and here, he chuckled slightly [color=00aeef]"But in terms of vegetables, we have plenty of those. I can fix you something simple if you would give me some time?"[/color] He said to her, being as gracious as he could be because he knows no other way of treating a 'customer', though not in a traditional sense. [color=00aeef]"Ah, where are my manners, please, have a seat anywhere you'd like."[/color] He says that, but the restaurant literally only offers bar seating and she was already leaning against the smallish ten-seat counter. [color=00aeef]"Um. Tea first. Give me a moment..."[/color] He shuffled into the back of the restaurant and swiftly put a kettle of water to boil. Meanwhile, he warmed a towel with hot tap water, making sure it is not scalding hot, and wrung it out so it isn't dripping wet and returned to the bar where the girl was standing. [color=00aeef]"Hai-Oshibo- Ah. I mean, here you go, a hot towel for your hands."[/color] He chuckled a bit more. [color=00aeef]"Tea is being made right now, as soon as that is done, I'll get started on your food. Is there any particular allergy I should know about?"[/color]