[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RyWDuQn.png[/img][h1]&[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NUtcWs1.png[/img] [@AzureKnight] | [@PaulHaynek] | [@13org] | [@Restalaan] | [@ShwiggityShwah] [/center] [hr] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQtmLs40IVY]"The Dormant Titan"[/url][/center] Bart had remained silent regarding Titanica's speech. He perhaps didn't speak out of sheer terror, but she believed that he considered himself higher than all others within the guild. Yet the more he remained silent, the more impatient she became. The titanic woman was about to shake the guts out of him if it weren't for Yang interjecting and taking the blame, as well as Ditzy giving him a small pouch of gold. Titanica was rather confused as to why they attempt to appease this helpless mortal. However, having no choice but to respect her acquaintances' wishes, the titan finally released Bart as she reverted back to her proper human form. Yet she didn't stop glaring down on him. She badly wanted to exterminate this wretch with her mighty atomic breath, but conceded for the meantime. Yet even her mighty image and status wasn't enough to change the guildmaster's mind, as he scoffed and walked off. [b][color=00aeef]"Pathetic little mortal..."[/color][/b] Titanica growled as steam fumed from her nostrils, [b][color=00aeef]"I would've vaporized him if no one was around."[/color][/b] Talia then explained how Bart reacted this way due to the fact that he didn't want to be detected by Varjo, however adding that despite the nation being notoriously on-edge, they wouldn't be completely reckless to go after a guild. Neil agreed with this statement, chiming in how since they have such powerful beasts like Titanica, the demoness Vară, and the ice dragon Nagare. Still, the titan believed that the guild master shouldn't have acted so hostile against his own members. And if this indeed kept up, then she will leave without saying a thing. Let alone fixing the door she held herself morally responsible for. But then, Titanica heard a familiar chime come from the entranceway. [b][color=f7941d][i]"T-Titanica?"[/i][/color][/b] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgcDMDbA5jI]"Reunion"[/url][/center] The grim woman paused. That voice? Was it who she believed it was? Her eyes lightened and her tension loosened slightly before she turned around to face an old comrade. There Morgan stood, not looking a day over several thousand years - and her standing before Titanica, her familiar scowl having never quite left her. The two titans focused upon one another, silently inspecting each other after what seemed to be an eternity of separation. Neil attempted to introduce the girl to the titan herself, but both didn't need any introductions. [b][color=00aeef]"Morgan."[/color][/b] the large titan said with only a bare hint of curiousness, [b][color=00aeef]"I thought you and your clan were dead."[/color][/b] [b][color=f7941d]"I-I could ask the same for you Titanica,"[/color][/b] the tiny girl responded hesitantly, [b][color=f7941d]"I thought the Great Dying had claimed you..."[/color][/b] [b][color=00aeef]"I am very much alive..."[/color][/b] the saurian woman replied back with a scoff, [b][color=00aeef]"I do not know how, but fate wanted me to remain. I am - as far as I know - the only survivor of my kind..."[/color][/b] [b][color=f7941d]"I believe I'm one of the last myself..."[/color][/b] Morgan nodded sadly in sympathy, her antennae drooping downwards, [b][color=f7941d]"I do not know where the others are... or if they are even still alive. It's been over a thousand years since I've last spoken to them..."[/color][/b] The two remained silent for awhile afterwards, both lamenting over the catastrophic events that had transpired over their people. It was a painful reminiscence for the two of them - all the suffering and guilt that they had to endure had rushed back into their ancient frames. And now, to see each other in the flesh after so long, it was as if they were dreaming about this very moment. But they weren't the only ones to be dazed by this encounter. It appeared that Ozzy had his own existential crisis regarding the existence of these kaiju. No more were they mere myths and legends. Whilst only barely as individuals, they were indeed alive and well. The harpy fainted at such a sight, muttering in his own breath about the implications. Both would hear, but not react. And then... the tension in the air climaxed. [center][url=https://youtu.be/4ClT5rkAPNM?t=1h11m13s]"Embrace"[/url][/center] Morgan's eyes began to water as she rushed towards Titanica and embraced her with open arms. [b][color=f7941d]"TITANICA-SAAAAAAAAAAN!"[/color][/b] Morgan cried as she suddenly broke down, releasing her emotions upon hitting her stomach. Despite how small Morgan was, Titanica still found herself pushed back by the initial collision. She issued a groan of surprise before stepping back, but still standing tall. There she remained awkwardly motionless for a minute, almost not sure at what to do at this moment. But even the titan of grump too - while not showing it as outwardly - had missed her immensely. She issued a faint smile before slowly embracing her in her powerful arms. It had been a long time coming for the two of them.