For once I'm the last one to write a review, so it falls on me to post the verdict. [@Scarescrow][hider=Adam] First, the Portfolio. Although you don't state it explicitly (and I'd really like it if you did), it appears that the keyword is Love. Your description leans closer to Obsession, but unless someone else wants to go for a more wholesome incarnation of the Love portfolio then there is no need to change. As for your portfolio powers, they are concise and easy to interpret - he's a cult leader and that's what he's good at. This is fitting for a demigod. As a tangential issue though, a couple of us have qualms about the use of Powerlisting Wiki in the abilities section (a habit which you appear to have picked up from other players, so we don't hold that against you). The ability's blurb should be a self-contained description of the power, whereas in this case the blurb alone fails to clearly state what the power does and its extent or limitations. While Worship Inducement is a fitting power for Adam, it could be improved by specifying how Adam can exercise this power and to what extent (bearing in mind that normal demigods can't even read minds, let alone dominate mortals to their will. While Adam's Portfolio makes him an exception, it can't be too extreme without costing Might). I also have another power to recommend, and that is some ability which lets Adam identify a mortal's greatest desires. Of course, the list of Portfolio abilities does not have to be comprehensive, but it is something for you to consider. The persona has merit. It gives Adam some elegantly simple motivations and puts him on the path to being active. Adam is quite insidious, what with the devouring the souls of the good and pure, but with potentially enough depth that he won't be exclusively an antagonist. I personally have noted a contradiction in the persona, one which can be elaborated on to make Adam a richer character. You say that "Adam is benevolent, and he loves all", yet he is also Lawful Evil and wants to devour people's souls which is a very not-benevolent and unloving thing to do. Is Adam genuinely nice but he is driven by vile urges beyond his control? If so, how does he feel about those urges? Or is the benevolence only a facade for him to lure mortals in so he can eat them? If so, this should be elaborated. Additionally, I am left confused as to how Adam would be like to talk to in person. Does he scorn everyone with his pride? Does he greet them with loving kindness? Some more detail on this would be nice. We presume that you and Loki have talked about Adam's origins and already have plans for your origin story (if not, get planning). However, beyond that, we have no idea what you intend to do with Adam. We're concerned that you might disappear on us. As such, we'd like you to tell us a little bit about what you plan to do after Adam is born. Also, the grammar is still rather shaky, with weird tense and plurals throughout. Would we be correct in guessing that English is not your first language? Despite this, your writing is typically readable, although it is possible that we (and the other players) might have to stop and clarify things with you if any parts of your posts are ambiguous. While we definitely don't have time to proofread everything for you, I can give you some specific feedback on your CS if you would like. And grammar aside, I can see that you have the ideas for writing elaborate prose. Adam is a unique perspective on a Love God and the Portfolio fills an as-yet unoccupied niche, which are good things. However, I will withhold approval until you clarify the ability, elaborate on the persona and assure us that you have things to do after Adam's birth. [/hider]