FM: Thank you for all of your help! Finally got this completely edited! Sorry about the delay. Hello everybody! Just call me Autumn. Or Otty. I should have my first post up soon. [b]Name:[/b] Zanya Areina [b]Race:[/b] Zora [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Female Appearance: standing at about 5'2", she doesn't impose an immediate physical presence. Combined with her lithe build and relatively light coloring, She is not one to immediately draw the eye. Like most of her people, she is covered in glossy smooth scales. The majority of her's are a silvery blue, though The lower half of her face, her throat, chest, and abdomen are pure white. The insides of each forearm, fingers, palms, and bottoms of her feet are likewise white, With the outer most edges turning to silver. Speckled and spotted across her back, The top of her head, and the length of the dolphin shaped tail extending from the back of her head are irregular shaped patches of dark grey, midnight blue, black, and white. Her eyes are contrarily completely black, with no visible difference between pupil and iris. Her build is slender and delicate, thinner then what would be accepted as being good for a healthy human, with long fingers and toes, narrow shoulders, and a pointed face. The tail like extension of her cranium hangs to The middle of her lower back, splitting into a pair of fins 3/4ths of the way down. A bony plate runs in a ridge down the exact center of this, starting at just about the midpoint of the crown of her head and ending a few inches above the bottom. About a third of the way down, the plating extends out into a ribbed fin, growing in height until it reaches about six inches before gradually shrinking back down into the plate. Similarly ribbed fins line The outer edges of her forearms, reaching a maximum length of ten inches at their longest, Each bony spine extending several inches out from the webbing. This trio of fins contain hinged bones that can either flare out or be flattened tight against her body, And all are used in combat defensively and offensively, With hardened scales lining the outer area of the fins on her arms. In between each of her fingers and toes is a light semi transparent webbing which is used to propel her quickly through the water when swimming. Hanging on either side of her face and head are A half dozen long skinny tentacle like appendages, falling to the middle of her back in an imitation of hair, though they can be moved independently and used either to attack or hold items. [b]Clothing/armor:[/b] As a member of a fish like race, She doesn't normally wear any attire, Viewing clothing as more of a hindrance then an asset. But when she considers it to be socially acceptable for her to be wearing something, she is in preference to a simple dark blue tunic with silver accents. She will always choose to use her own defenses when given the option, so is very rarely ever seen with anything akin to armor. The only thing that is consistent is a slim and simply tooled leather belt , drawstring pockets at either hip. [b]Weapons:[/b] She highly favors using her own body's natural weapons to anything that was made by hand. Her fins are relatively sharp along the edges of the webbing and each of the bones can secrete a paralytic poison. When her fins and head fin are not enough, she can use her tentacles as whips or wrap them around a target and squeeze. She has also developed skills in using a series of kicks and punches. Using her species bioelectricity, she can create a brief current of electricity across her skin, temporarily stunning those in immediate contact with her as well. [b]Skills:[/b] Unarmed - Major - Growing up in a family of Goron, she quickly learned how to grapple, wrestle, and develop skills with close hand to hand combat. Water - Major - Being a creature of the water, she naturally took to developing skills in water magic. Earth - Major - Living among some of the world's expert users of Earth magic, She developed a high interest in learning for herself. Under the tutelage of several great teachers, she developed a better understanding of Earth magic. Projectiles - Major - Being able to use her fins as boomerang, she learned accuracy when throwing these, Developing magic that would also allow her to use projectiles. Athletics - Major - Living with the family that is much stronger than she is, she learned to strengthen her body. Block - Major - Her arm fins are instinctively used as natural shields. Hunting/Tracking - Minor - Mostly a small general skill she uses when hunting for fish. [b]Spells:[/b] [i]Tidal Surge[/i] - Mid Water Zanya conjures a small, but strong, wave of water that she uses in either sweeping her targets off-balance, hitting them with a sudden fast wall of water, or flooding small areas. This requires about three seconds of uninterrupted concentration. This spell costs about 40% of her total mana. [i]Precision cutting[/i] - Mid Water Propelling concentrated streams of water at a high-speed, she is able to cut through substances even as hard as stone. She developed this spell when helping her father in his mining business. It takes four seconds of semi uninterrupted concentration to first cast the spell and then continues to drain her magic 10% at a time for every minute she uses it. [i]Splinter Shard[/i] - Low Water Zanya is able to create sharp icicles that she can then throw with precision at A given target. Each icicle only takes about two seconds to be created, with little to no concentration, and each take up about 10% of her mana. [i]Detection[/i] - Low Water With two seconds of minor concentration, she is able to detect sources of water in the surrounding area up to a 1 mile radius. This consumes about 5% of her available magic points. [i]Stone Molding[/i] - Mid Ground Over the time of 2 to 5 minutes, she is able to shape any stone or ore up to the size and mass of her body into any shape, limited only by her own creativity. The larger the object, the complexity, each of these lengthen the amount of time it takes. Smaller, simpler items take less time. Depending on the project, it can cost anywhere from 10% of her maximum amount of magic all the way up to 60%. [i]Magnitude[/i] - Mid Ground Plunging her awareness into the ground within a 5 yard radius, Zanya is able to send small trembles through the soil that make it soft and easier to fall into, toppling things on the surface or knocking them off balance. This costs her 30% of her magic. [i]Purification[/i] - Low Ground Using about 15% of her magic points, she is able to purify a small section of ground, completely cleaning it of harmful organisms by pushing them from the soil. This allows plants growing in the ground to receive three times as much nutrients and strength and has doubled growing speed. [i]Sant Stream[/i] - Low Ground Collecting the loose pieces of sand and dirt from the immediate area, she sends it spinning in a temporary frenzy around a given target, using this to momentarily distract or blind them. It costs just about 10% of her magic points to perform the spell. [i]Mud Coat[/i] - Low Ground/ Water Mixing The available water in the ground into the dirt to create a thick and cold mud that can then be used to coat an intended target, quickly dropping the temperature of that object and hindering movement. This takes about four seconds of concentration and focus, Absorbing 20% of her total mana. [b]Inventory:[/b] Green potion, 3, carried in the left pocket of her belt. Red potion, 2, carried in the right pocket on her belt. [b] backstory[/b] Hatched in the salty waters of the Great Bay, Zanya was only a few weeks old when she was separated from her mother and siblings by a current that dragged her hopelessly out into the deeper water of The ocean. Helplessly lost when the current finally spat her out, She wandered for several hours in search of her family, never realizing that she was traveling in the wrong direction and crippled by her short memory and lack of intelligence. She had just plummeted into a large school of fish, Desperate for contact with another living creature, when the fishing nets descended. Gathered carelessly into a troth with most of the fish she had been swimming among, Zanya was unknowingly carried into town and quickly packed into a barrel, pinned beneath the weight of several other bodies. Taken from the Bay in the back of a cart, She was quickly transported to the mountains and sold into the massive hands of a Goron Elder with A taste for the salty creatures. He received quite a shock when, As he was preparing his dinner later that evening, pulled free a squealing baby Zora instead of the juicy fish he had been expecting. With the hatchling placed into a bowl of water, he took the infant to the other elders of the tribe, Counseling with them on what should be done about the little fish daughter. After much debate, discussion, and speculation, the Council unanimously agreed that a young life was a precious commodity and that they did not want their people to stoop to murder, The decision was that the little Zora would be given over to a family for adoption should they so choose it and be raised in the Goron community. The Elder Who had discovered Zanya Took the child to his grand daughter, A loving Goron wife with a husband and two young sons Who had been hoping for a third child for her family. Without question, Drappa accepted the responsibility of raising such a strange child. With complete support from her husband Rageist, they called The tiny child Zanya Areina, giving her the last name of their Family line, and happily raised her with their sons Beorn and Grack, Adding an additional room to their cave that they filled with water from the mountain Springs. Zanya grew up happy and healthy, flourishing under the nurture provided by her adoptive parents and integrating into a society that she had never been meant for. She gained strength in the daily wrestling matches with her older brothers and in the underground lake that she discovered when she was about six, Finding a place in even the most hardened of Goron's hearts with her charm and enthusiasm. She accepted her differences from the people she knew his family, teaching herself how to catch fish and taking naturally to swimming, But she never grew to consider herself anything other then a Goron. When she turned about 10, she invested a lot of her time in not only learning how to perform magic with water, but sought help in developing a talent with Earth magic. She began to work with her father mining, using spells that would shape the stone into workable pieces, discovering how to best cool hot metal, and using her magic to cut deep into the stone. She quickly grew in strength and confidence, enjoying the labor of searching for food and metals, molding her skills to help even her mother who had taken to gardening. With the carnival of time just around the corner, she is excited to be traveling to Clock Town with her brother Beorn to have an opportunity to showcase the different tools and objects she and her family have created together. What little of the rumors she has heard hasn't seemed to bother her. [b]b]Wallet:[/b] 83 Rupees