[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/I2HJuuC.png[/img] [color=purple] level[/color]: 1 [color=purple]day/time[/color]: day 3 - evening [color=purple]Location[/color]: 49th Floor of Tetris Castle -> Valiance Keep [color=purple]Tagging[/color]: [@Zarkun] [@ONL] [@Holy Soldier] [@Wxer] [/center] It had been quite some time since she last donned her armor and she was suffering because of it. What had once been a perfectly fitted by the greatest of armored that had escaped the fall of the empire now felt like a battered coffin. Its magnificence had been dented and repaired far too many times and the luxurious lifestyle she had lived after her uncle had become Pantokrator had left the armor a bit of a tight fit. She spent most of her marched through the streets of platform city towards the castle grumbling under her breath about being out on the front lines again, this time with no servants or army. Just her and her Lictor ax. Still, it wasn't all bad. The city itself was a sight to behold, vast and full of strange and wondrous things that put even her home of Sceleria to shame, and that was a place that was capital of a whole world where the divine graced the earth with their presence and where waited on hand and foot by the dead. Here it seemed they were waited on by a strange little creature with blue robes and amop of bright green hair. The strange little fellow met her at the castle gates and brought her up to the 49th floor, where, after a brief altercation with a scientist over what vaccines where she joined the others for their briefing. They where mostly human almost all of of whom where not wearing any armor. There Two turtle like creatures which wasn’t that odd. She was sure she’d seen some people like them back home. One was some kind of elven dancer. Finally there was a bronze golem of some kind. All in all they were an interesting bunch. They were given a briefing by a handsome prince who outlined the threat of a Lich King who was making deals with plague spreaders. With the threat made clear Constantina began to take this more seriously, standing up a little straighter and banishing any hint of frustration from her face. She had been concerned that this had just been some fool’s errand to get her out the house, but this was clearly a very important matter. The Law’s of Death had been broken and there was an undead king who needed to be brought to justice at the end of her executioner's axe. Their leader/guide in this endeavor was also taking someone to take seriously, a man clad in thick and ornate plate armor. Perhaps a little too ornate. She could appreciate a good skull motif but he was maybe taking things a tad to far in her opinion, because skull symbols were quite literally everywhere on his armor. He introduced himself as Highlord of the Ebon Knights, proceeded to be cagey about who they were, which was a little worrying, and then informed them of the existence of undead hordes besieging their destination which spurred her to action. [color=purple]”Then there is no time to waste. Let us go forth and smite these lawbreaking un-dead"[/color] She said, hefting her ax up from where it had been resting against her side and following the others through the portal.