[@KhKj] From within the shadow cast by Khelfin's kneeling frame, a length of fabric suddenly lashed out, cracking the Grimm's mask with a single, powerful strike to the face. It violently recoiled, shrieking in pain, bone white splintering from its face as it staggered back ... and then, punctuated by a rush of air, the orange scarf returned in a cloud of black, slamming the monster's head back down against the cold, hard concrete with a terrible, snapping sound. It was done. Like a fishing line being reeled back, the scarf retreated once more into the patch of darkness right underneath Khelfin. A second later, a woman's face emerged, floating atop the shadowed concrete. Her brown eyes blinked twice behind her shades, but once they caught sight of the Hunter above her (and more apparently, his exposed chest), her mouth curled upwards in a big grin. "What's cookin', good-lookin'?"