Ryleth cast a glare at Usoa. If she expected him to submit for torture then she was wrong. He might have looked meek and defeated but there was a fight in every hair of his body. Alexina seemed to not like the idea either. She then gave them their options but it wasn’t a choice. Those that knew Ryleth knew he wouldn’t submit his powers. Especially not to someone like Alexina. The other, impossible option was to die then and there. His hands turned into fists as he almost lost his cool. Right now he wanted nothing more than to fight and defeat Alexina. The coven had suffered her pacifistic rule for too long already. Yet he knew she was stronger than him. It wouldn’t be a slaughter but he wouldn’t win. So she almost made the choice for him. [b]“The Penitence Mission.”[/b] He said. Blood still dripped from his fingers onto the floor next to him. Phagora also announced she would take the penitence mission. With the two of them, the other two witches would no doubt join them. Still, Ryleth knew this wouldn’t be some common hunt as Phagora appeared to think. She was a demon spawn though. To kill her they’d need to face hunters and Alexina seemed quite keen to stay away from them. So whatever they faced, the eagerly pleasing Phagora wouldn’t be in much danger. He did not have the same certainty. He wasn’t born as anything special. Every skill he had came from hard work and study. While powerful, he was still very much a mortal. On top of that, it was no secret that Alexina hated him. The Queen of the Woods would no doubt tailor the mission in such a way that it would spell certain doom for him. [b]“So tell me what needs to die.”[/b] He said to Alexina. [b]“I’ll bring you its bones.”[/b]