[center] [img] https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjYxZmZlNC5TR2tnWlhabGNubHZibVVnUTI5dUlHbHpJR0poWTJzLC4wAAAA/claudya-demo.regular.png [/img] [img] https://media1.tenor.com/images/ad5263e30fb5dc89d6f2a8c9d59639cc/tenor.gif?itemid=3883901 [/img] Coming at you with some brand new plots. (or plot…singular. Home girl has been busy, okay?) Anyway, I have honestly really missed writing and going on adventures; so hopefully this plot catches your interest and you can join me! [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjYxZmZlNC5TR1Z5WlNCcGN5QjNhR0YwSUhsdmRTQnphRzkxYkdRZ2EyNXZkdywsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/claudya-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [list] [*]All of my plots have the option to be 18+. They don’t have to be if you're not comfortable with it, however, I think that mature themes adds some spice to the rp. [*]Collaboration is key with me! I love working on plots and building worlds, even if the plot is mine, the world we play in should be ours. [*]I usually post at the very least two paragraphs. Please reply with your best effort. I’m not after length, but an intelligent post with details is always a must. [*]Your home girl has two jobs (yay! Con is only twenty and already balancing two jobs, A+ for the youth of America). So, It’s hard for me to post every day. However, I promise I will post at least every two days. [*]Because I am so busy, I can only take on one or two rp’s at a time. So, if I say no to you— don’t be offended! I just don’t want to stretch myself to thin. [*]We can take the game to PM’s, threads, or discord. It’s really up to you. [*]I’m not strict on grammar at all (just get your ‘their’ and ‘there’ correct and we’ll be okay). [*]I usually play female characters, but lately I’ve been wanting to practice playing male. That being said, I’m sorry if my guys are really bad! I will try though! I also don’t mind doubling characters. [*]I prefer character sheets. They don’t have to be very long, only basic info, since it’s also nice to find out things about the character as the rp progresses. Just include name, age, personality, and appearance and you're golden. [/list] Aaand without further ado, this is the plot I’m craving right now! [hider=The Voyager] [center][img] https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjYxZmZlNC5WR2hsSUZadmVXRm5aWEksLjEAAAAAAAAA/red-thinker.light.png [/img] [img] https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/88d558a7-772f-4d72-bfc4-0c79e8208b28/da3mpla-12a3cf42-40ca-42bc-a4da-c3158859f6c5.jpg/v1/fill/w_1231,h_649,q_70,strp/nxp_by_jessica_rossier_da3mpla-pre.jpg[/img] [/center] In the year 2121 intergalactic travel was achieved, the vastness of our own galaxy was now explorable. To much of human kind’s dismay we did not find alternate life, or alien technology— but new opportunity amongst the stars. The measurement of light years now seemed like nothing more than miles. The darkness of space, now became our home as we ventured to new planets and horizons. What adventures will you find among the stars? Your character is a T.R.O.Y officer, a military specialist who regulates trade amongst the galaxy. While on a mission to deliver precious cargo, your ship intercepted an urgent S.O.S from a small, seemingly abandoned frigate. A soft female voice cried over the ship intercom: there had been a terrible robbery, to send help immediately. Unable to turn away a damsel in distress, you answer the cry for help. Upon boarding the ship, however, it is apparent one who is getting robbed is you! TL;DR: It’s my two favorite things: Space and Pirates. Basically my character is an infamous pirate, after the cargo your character is sworn to protect. After stealing the cargo, she was ready to dispose of your crew and take it for herself, but there are certain security measures that make the item inaccessible without your character. So, forced to take y/c along the pair set off on an amazing adventure through the stars! MxF (I will be playing female for this one) [/hider] Feel free to side into my PM's anytime!