[hider=Jason Blaze] Name: Jason Blaze Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Phoenix Appearance:[hider=My Hider][img]https://external-preview.redd.it/mlfAV3idi5EbYVbXNm9oblfgmtUvLFxT1KFO6Mgj24A.jpg?width=1200&height=628.272251309&auto=webp&s=287342513077308ab45e9117201060ba7d9b2065[/img][/hider] About 6 feet tall, with a massive, 15 foot wingspan. Bio: He lived in the back streets, and traveled through the city. He also loves a good fight, and will fight to the death to defend his friends. He never knew his parents, and was raised by his older brother in a small street gang that controlled a large block of a city. He enjoys burn paintings and charcoal drawing in his spare time, and he's gotten really good at it, but now his art acts....[i]strange[/i]. When the meteor came, he was traveling the state by foot, as he couldn't afford a car. The shock wave from the impact was powerful enough to flip him over, and everything went black. He woke up to the smell of burning, and panicked, trying to stand up, but only succeeding in flapping his wings. [i]He had wings.[/i] He panicked for a while, until he finally managed to calm himself down. He then walked around, getting used to his new body. He's still practicing flying, but the most he's gotten so far is to glide a few feet. He's never been able to prove it, but it seems like the sketches and drawings he's made recently are moving around when he's not looking. He likes making clay figurines and monsters, and he swears that they follow him around. He is trying to find out the extent of his new powers, by testing one thing at a time. He now thinks that his last name was some kind of foreshadowing, and he now spends most of his time searching for others like him. He's also now very hard to fight, because he's added flames to his attacks. He's noticed that his wings are constantly, softly glowing. His new form now makes him extremely strong and fast, but it is now incredibly painful for him to touch water. He's seen at least one other survivor, but they vanished before he could call out to them. He's determined to find any others. He knows they're out there, somewhere. He's taken to stealing what equipment he can use. Skills: Is a excellent hacker/lockpick, can light anything flammable on fire with a touch, and regenerates extremely quickly. He can cook just by touching the food (if meat) or pot/pan briefly. He knows Krav Maga and Judo. Magic: Fire, Art Runes: Multistrike Rune: Allows his physical skill, or any of his magic types, to hit everything he specifies. Other: Strengths: Void 0.5, Art -1, Fire -1 Weaknesses: Air, Stone, Lightning, Ice, Darkness [/hider]