Kiton narrowed his eyes, not looking entirely convinced that he was fine without his tail. He certainly seemed to be rather embarrassed by the fact that he didn’t have one, or maybe it was some form of shame that he was a tailless Saiyan surrounded by ones who were completely fine and dandy with having one. It certainly told other aliens that he was indeed a Saiyan if he had one, otherwise Kiton never would’ve guessed that Takeshi was even a Saiyan if it wasn’t for him having a brother who had a tail. Maybe he was actually one of those weaker Saiyans that had their tails removed because it limited their strength compared to their superiors or whatever, he was just guessing he didn’t actually know how Saiyan society worked: he just knew they were commonly a menace. “Hmmm…are you, though? I only really heard about the fight but I didn’t hear how well you fought so I don’t know”, he spoke lightly, letting out a sigh, “I guess you’re probably strong if the rebels are all keen on you coming with me”. Even with saying that Kiton wasn’t entirely confident in his own strength, just knowing he had a reputation regarding his race. He was aware that people saw him as incredibly strong because of a previous Frost Demon who was not hard to remember in history. He never really fought strong opponents other than mercenaries who tried to claim his head for the bounty, he was more concerned with keeping alive than setting off to find strong opponents. Whichever way, he had an image to keep up and if they didn’t think he was strong then they probably would just send him off to the Galactic Patrol like some lowly criminal for termination. “Yeah, that’s the one! Hear about him all the time because of the obvious big thing that he did when he was alive…you know, the whole thing that cemented my race’s destiny to become nothing more than a wall trophy”. Scratching his chin, he stared forward before feeling the creeping essence that was Takeshi’s hand, immediately whipping his tail up to whack Takeshi on the back of his hand. “Yeah nice try. Unlike Saiyan tails, a Frost Demon’s tail is just as strong as having an extra limb!” he spoke, swishing his tail around, “You might as well be trying to hold my hand. You know I could just grab you instead if you ever even tried? I’d demonstrate but I don’t know who is watching me and how quick they’d be to attack me if I toss you across this marketplace!” There was probably a good chance that there was at least two watching over him, but if he looked around he was certain they would become alert and assume he was going to try something terrible. “Anyway, I’m not allowed to touch you so you’re going to have to want to do something with me other than pick a fight with me because even if you hit me first I’m going to end up taking the blame”.