[quote=@James Davy] "Are you sure this is the right class for you, Sterling-san?" the [i]kitsune[/i] teacher asked, sensing the archangel within Cacelion's disguise, "The type of magic taught in this class is nigh-on-incompatible with your true guise." [/quote] [color=gold]"I...I'm not sure what you mean."[/color] Cacelion replied as he subtly gave her a [i]don't push your luck[/i] look. Shaking his head as the friendly look returned to his face, Cacelion turned his attention back to the class and was about to say something else when the bell signaling the end of class rang. [color=gold]"Huh, guess I must have talked longer than I thought. Oh well. If any of you have anymore questions for me..."[/color] He said as he nonchalantly strode towards the door. [color=gold]"I'll be wandering around the campus. I have some exploring to do."[/color] Giving the room one last look, he strode out into the hallway and disappeared round a corner.