As the last of the stirges went down, Orchid still remained on the defense, slicing down any creature that seemed hostile. Even the ones that weren't, like a few unfortunate bats who flew too fast and too close to his face. However once the bast cleared out there seemed to have been no more enemies, though if there were more stirges than Orchid would have attracted them like a young foal attracts a pack of hungry wolves; he was very wounded at the moment with blood pouring profusely from the wounds caused by the stirges. Mere beasts they may be, one must've forget that such creatures haven't survived as long as they could because they were fools who relied solely on their strength (Which stirges didn't have much of). No, those insects had managed to strike major arteries along Orchid's body to ensure the most hemorrhaging. A retreat back to a safe place to heal was welcomed for the orc. Back at the mushroom garden, Orchid was quick to tend to his on wounds using scraps of leather and hide from his tanning kit. Savage as he may be, Orchid had enough rudimentary knowledge of first aid to tend to his own injuries. Indeed, most of the oils and chemicals he had in his tanning kit could also be used as a effective, if foul and painful, healing kit. Orchid wouldn't want to be resuscitated with such a thing, but for the purpose of first aid on himself, Orchid would bare the pain as he applied chemicals to halt the bleeding and tightly bound leather over his many wounds as a bandage. For some injuries who's wounds were too jagged to merely be bandaged, Orchid even applied a tourniquet to control the bloodflow and allow his wound to heal naturally. Once largely healed up Orchid also took a bit of a bit from his rations, eating a bit of bread and dried fruits to regain a bit of stamina. Finally, he changed his equipment from the two swords back to his shield and machete. While having two swords were helpful, Orchid felt that he needed the protective strength of his shield now that they're heading deeper into more dangerous territory. Once he finished he looked to the others. [color=a2d39c]"Where to now?"[/color] [hider=Rolls] HP: 30/30 AC: 16 Rage: 2/3 Status: Raging Weapons: 1d8+5 Machete Short Rest Healing (3d12+6) = [url=]25[/url] [/hider]