[hider=Marcia "Violet" Santos] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/byB7gDr.png[/img] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/a8877854-7cab-4dd2-aa26-6171a9d441dc/d9chp0q-afb2dfd0-9cae-42d8-ac70-cb7d4917a043.jpg/v1/fill/w_786,h_1017,q_70,strp/cyberpunk_warrior_4_by_adamroush_d9chp0q-pre.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [color=magenta][h2]⦋ [b]24[/b] || [b]Brazilian[/b] || [b]She/Her[/b] ⦌[/h2][/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_Sj0I-d7Mg[/youtube][/center] [color=magenta][h3][b]OVERVIEW[/b][/h3][hr][/color] [indent] [color=magenta][u][b]APPEARANCE [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Violet is one to stand out in a crowd... for a variety of different reasons. I'd say the first and foremost thing that makes her stick out would be her massive cybernetic arms that are tipped with pink claws. They are so long that they go down to her ankles, and sometimes, they drag along the ground. She keeps them concealed underneath a white coat with a hood and a fancy popped color... which is the extent of the clothing that she wears. Other than the coat, Violet wears a lacy g-string and has her tattooed body on full display. This over the top outfit is to assert that Violet is a woman and a beautiful one at that. Violet is a half-Brazilian, Half-Japanese woman with tanned skin and dyed silver-blonde hair. Her eyes are a cybernetic magenta color, and underneath all of that skin is cybernetics. Finally, the girl is massive, at six-eleven.[/indent] [color=magenta][u][b]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Where to even begin? Marcia was a girl that grew up in Rio, Brazil to an upper-middle-class family. Her dad didn't pull out in time and so she was the result and would have grown up a relatively normal gal... albeit for the fact that the girl was intersex. Marica appeared to be a girl, but she was much different under the hood. She grew up an outcast and isolated because of that fact and set out to defy all of them. She was a woman, and that's what she would be seen as. She took to dressing provocatively and excessively feminine to show the world just what she was, and anyone who said otherwise got a fist to the face. She felt rather constrained in her town, and legitimately wanted to start anew, feeling drawn to the life of a Nomad! ... The only problem was that she didn't know how to fight worth shit, and her ki was abysmal. She tried to get trained but it went each time, it looked like martial arts just wasn't her thing. Feeling frustrated, as Marica couldn't earn her keep as a Nomad she was approached by a representative by an organization known as Paragon Industries. They said that they would help her if she agreed to be a test subject for their experimental technology. They would pay her, and mold her into the Nomad that she dreamed of, and Marcia agreed to it without a second thought. The girl disappeared without a trace, and everyone figured that she did the inevitable and finally grew the balls to run away from home. They didn't miss her, nor did they look for her. The reality was far, far, worse. Young Marica was taken to a top-secret facility and was practically tortured as they attached cybernetics to her body, ripping off her arms. They stole her organs and replaced them with cybernetic organs and mocked her with terms like "freak" and "monster". This built-up rage inside of Marcia, but she couldn't escape, she could nothing to stop them. However, one day a mysterious man named Abel attacked the facility and gave her the golden opportunity she needed to escape. She slaughtered her way through the facility until she came across Abel himself. Abel offered her a place in his terrorist organization, but Marica wanted revenge. Using the same cybernetics that they gave her, Marica went on a world-wide rampage and destroyed every single Paragon Industry facility, killed every scientist, and destroyed everything that they had built up. They put a price on her head and Nomads got in her way, but she killed them all the same as they were in her way. Once she killed the board of directors and the CEO... she felt lost. She had nothing else to fight for, and wondered if she should just kill herself.... until Abel approached her again, he suggested that she comes with him and with nothing better to do, Marcia came along. They both met with the Pariah who introduced her to the secret terrorist group, MIRAGE. Who had the grand goal of protecting Earth from threats beyond the stars? At first, Marcia was hesitant, but soon enough she realized that the Pariah was right; there is something bigger out there she could contribute to. Marica gave herself to the Pariah who upgraded her cybernetics and sent her out on a variety of different missions which would make her feared worldwide... but Marica soon enough abandoned her old name for a new one. ... They would fear the name Violet.[/indent] [/indent] [color=magenta][h3][b]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/b][/h3][hr][/color] [indent][color=magenta][u][b]SKILLS & ABILITIES [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Violet forgoes that martial arts crap and instead uses a series of precise swipes, grabs, and brutal blows using her cybernetic arms. Her main tool of destruction is her arms, which are tipped with blades so sharp that they can cut people to bits with one swing. They're incredibly strong and durable and allows her to break just about anything with ease. And if that isn't enough, they can send painful electric shocks through them to foes. She can fire blasts of electricity but she finds it best that she channels the electricity through them. And if [i]that[/i] isn't enough, Violet can telescopically extend her arms to stretch distances and through this, she gains some immense mobility and offense options.[/indent] [color=magenta][u][b]SIGNATURE MOVES [/b][/u][/color] [indent][u]■ Yoink![/u] [indent]Violet quickly extends her claws and yanks her opponent or object right to her. She can do this regardless of where she is or where her opponent is and does it at lightning-fast speeds. After she grabs them, she can do all manner of things, such as snatch them towards her, electrocute them, throw them, or slam them into the ground.[/indent] [u]■ Swing![/u] [indent]Violet grabs onto the nearest object by extending her claws and swings around from one place to the under.[/indent] [u]■ Bitchslap![/u] [indent]Violet swings her massive arm like a whip and hits the opponent with a mild electric shock as she sends them flying.[/indent] [u]■ Say Hello to the Wall for me, baby![/u] [indent]Violet puts her palm out and extends her hand launching the opponent away until they hit the wall or is sufficiently away from her.[/indent] [u]■ I'm gonna tickle ya![/u] [indent]Violet digs her claws into the ground and they quickly emerge at the enemy's feet, where she can either stab them with her claws, grab them to electrocute them, or even yank them through the ground back to her.[/indent] [u]■ Thunder-Ball![/u] [indent]Violet charges her body up with her electricity as she grabs onto the nearest object and begins swinging on it like she is a wrecking ball. In this state, she takes the appearance of a massive orb.[/indent] [u]■ Thunder-Spear![/u] [indent]Violet's only ranged attack, she creates a spear made out of lightning and quickly chucks it at the enemy. It doesn't move particularly fast, but if it does it'll leave them stunned for a few seconds.[/indent] [u]■ Chaaaaaarge![/u] [indent]Violet charges up her electric energy in her hands for a few moments, in this state her hands appear as two glowing pink orbs of electricity. While charging up, all of her attacks do more damage and especially her special attacks, for a brief period.[/indent] [u]■ Drilling Ya' like I did your Mom![/u] [indent]Violet, if she's descending, puts her feet together and starts spinning as she's surrounded with electricity. Taking the appearance of a drill as she goes right towards the enemy.[/indent] [u]■ Flash![/u] [indent]Violet exposes herself to the enemy to distract or throw them off. It works... most of the time.[/indent] [/indent] [color=magenta][u][b]SUPER MOVES [/b][/u][/color] [indent] [u]■ Puny-Nomad![/u] [indent]Violet's hand extends quickly and she grabs her enemy and slams them into the ground over and over again - alternating sides - as she electrocutes them. Eventually, she just throws them into the air.[/indent] [u]■ Thunder-Crash[/u] [indent]Violet grabs onto an object and launches herself high up into the air. As she comes down, she charges herself up with ki as she falls, taking the appearance of a massive orb. When she hits the ground she creates an enormous explosion of electricity.[/indent] [u]■ Thunder-Carnival[/u] [indent]Violet charges up a huge wheel of pure electric ki, which she launches at the opponent.[/indent] [/indent] [color=magenta][u][b]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/b][/u][/color] [indent]Violet's entire fighting style is about pulling enemies out of their comfort zone and getting up close and personal with them. In essence; it's about her being the aggressive one. When she's on the receiving end she doesn't have too many defensive options except for trying to swing out of there. Also, Violet's attacks, while very damaging with immense range, are very slow and predictable. A very fast opponent can easily overwhelm her with their speed and she'd have a hard time keeping up.[/indent] [/indent] [color=magenta][h3][b]OTHER[/b][/h3][hr][/color] [indent][indent][/indent][/indent] [/hider]